Dear Forum:
I would appreciate it if you could notify the MT Forum of a call for
papers for the Mark Twain Sessions at ALA 2006 in San Francisco. There
will be two panels, on the following subjects:
1. Twain and Popular Culture
2. Twain and Satire
Papers should be readable within 20 minute limits (about 10 pp. in
length). No identification should appear anywhere in the papers except
on the title page. The deadline for receipt is Thursday, Dec. 15.
Decisions will be made in January. If returns are requested, the papers
should be accompanied by self-addressed, stamped envelopes. Copies may
be sent to the following address:
Prof. Lawrence I. Berkove
Dept. of Humanities
Univ. of Michigan-Dearborn
Dearborn, MI 48128
If there are any questions, contact Prof. Berkove at
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