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Mark Twain Forum <[log in to unmask]>
Steve Courtney <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 8 Sep 2008 14:25:48 -0400
Mark Twain Forum <[log in to unmask]>
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To past Twain-Twichell walkers and other interested parties:

The Twain-Twichell walk this fall will be Sept. 27 -- I apologize for the s=
hort notice but I've been dealing with the aftermath of ending my career at=
 The Courant after 20-odd years! If you know anyone who needs a top-notch e=
ditor and writer=2C let me know. Meanwhile=2C sales of Joseph Hopkins Twich=
ell: The Life and Times of Mark Twain's Closest Friend (University of Georg=
ia Press=2C 2008) have been doing well.

I'm sending the following press release to a few choice media outlets today=
=2C so if you're interested in going on the walk=2C let me know pronto! As =
usual we'll need volunteers to leave cars at the top of the mountain in the=
 early morning=2C in order to return walkers to the Mark Twain House at the=

Here's the press release:


The 12th-or-so Annual Twain-Twichell walk will step off on Saturday=2C Sept=
. 27=2C from the Mark Twain House parking lot=2C following an eight-mile ro=
ute to Heublein Tower on the top of Talcott Mountain.

This is not an official event or fundraiser=2C but a chance to follow the r=
oute that Mark Twain and Joe Twichell=2C his lifelong friend and confidant=
=2C took most autumns in the 1870s and 1880s. Twichell was pastor of Asylum=
 Hill Congregational Church for 47 years=2C and a well-loved figure in Hart=

The walk is led by Steve Courtney=2C author of Joseph Hopkins Twichell: The=
 Life and Times of Mark Twain's Closest Friend (University of Georgia Press=
=2C 2008) and Jeff Nichols=2C Executive Director of the Mark Twain House. T=
here will be several hours of good conversation=2C readings from Twain and =
Twichell=2C and the chance to return home=2C as Twain said=2C "not with the=
 leg-ache=2C but with the jaw-ache."

The number of walkers is limited=2C so be sure to call Steve Courtney early=
 at 860-589-6412 for further details and to reserve a space.

Steve Courtney
7 Union St.
Terryville=2C CT 06786
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