Mon, 1 Nov 2010 07:22:55 -0400
Hello, all,
The Mark Twain Boyhood Home & Museum is in the running for a $250,000 Pepsi Grant to complete the Becky Thatcher House, but we will only win it with your votes. Please VOTE TWICE DAILY - once by texting 104141 (that's our grant number) to Pepsi at: 73774, and once by voting online at:
If we get this grant it will create jobs in Hannibal immediately and into the future when we reopen this building to the public. This is a unique opportunity to contribute without having to spend any money. We have completed the exterior restoration of the house, and now our plans are to move indoors during the winter months and work on getting the building completed and exhibits installed.
Will you please VOTE TWICE DAILY and share this with everyone you can? Please post on Facebook, Twitter, your blog, forums... everywhere. Thank you for your support. Voting will end on November 30th - the 175th anniversary of Sam Clemens's birth. Let's make this happen!
All best,
Cindy Lovell
Cindy Lovell, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Mark Twain Boyhood Home & Museum
120 N. Main St.
Hannibal MO 63401
Phone: 573-221-9010 ext. 402
Cell: 386-748-1256
Fax: 573-221-7975
Email: [log in to unmask]
Web site:
Have you signed our petition to designate 2010 as "The Year of Mark Twain" yet? Click here, sign, and pass it on!
"Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain