The History of Economics Society Distinguished Fellow Committee (as
determined by the HES Constitution - Chair: Avi Cohen, and Members:
Sandra Peart and Brad Bateman) invites nominations for the award to
be presented at the HES 2010 annual Meeting June 25-28 at Syracuse
University in Syracuse, New York.
Nominations should include a statement about the candidate that can
be the basis for the award citation, and a CV and/or biographical
statement. For examples of past citations, please see the HES website
links to "Awards and Honors" then "Distinguished Fellows" or directly
visit the web
Please send nomination materials to Avi J. Cohen, Economics, York
University, Toronto, Canada M3J 1P3 or to
<mailto:[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask] by December 25, 2009.
Avi Cohen