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Sat Jul 5 09:55:38 2008
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------------ EH.NET BOOK REVIEW --------------
Published by EH.NET (July 2008)

Jean-Pierre Devroey, _?conomie rurale et soci?t? dans l'Europe 
franque (VI-IX si?cles)_. Paris: Belin, 2003. 381 pp. ?22.50 
(paperback), ISBN: 2-7011-2618-5. and
Jean-Pierre Devroey, _Puissants et mis?rables: Syst?me social et 
monde paysan dans l'Europe des Francs (VI-IX si?cles)_. Brussels: 
Academie Royale de Belgique, 2006. 725 pp. ?60.50 (cloth), ISBN: 

Reviewed for EH.NET by George Grantham, Department of Economics, 
McGill University.

Most economic historians who do not specialize in the medieval period 
draw their understanding of its economic and social evolution 
directly or indirectly from the work of historians inspired by Henri 
Pirenne and Marc Bloch, both of whom viewed it as a decisive turning 
point in Western history. As set out by Georges Duby in his essay on 
the early growth of the European economy, the half millennium 
following the formal end of the Roman Empire in the West marks the 
crucial discontinuity in Western Europe's economic and social 
history.[1] The notion was, of course, not new. Originating in the 
humanist philological critique of early medieval Latin, the notion of 
a decisive break in social, political, and economic institutions was 
extended to other domains in the debate between Abb? Du Bos and 
Montesquieu over whether the Franks were subject to royal taxation, 
and by early nineteenth-century efforts to construct historical 
typologies from the surviving diplomatic and legal texts as part of 
the project to place the French Revolution in historical perspective. 
That effort led to a consensus that the West experienced a major 
economic and institutional collapse in the sixth and seventh 
centuries, and that from the wreckage there emerged a more 
decentralized economic and political system based on the exploitation 
of the rural population by lords connected politically in hierarchies 
constructed from bilateral ties of mutual obligation and fidelity. 
That institutional space left little room for agricultural innovation 
and hardly any for economic organization founded on the legal 
egalitarianism of voluntary exchange. The historiography thus posed 
three questions: the first concerned the process by which the old 
world was transformed into a new one; the second concerned the nature 
of that new world as an economic and social type; the third was how 
it in turn gave birth to modern western capitalism. Since the 
dissolution of Roman civilization was an uncontested fact, most 
attention was devoted to the second and third questions. It is only 
in the past thirty years that the first has received the attention it 
deserves, with devastating consequences for the conventional wisdom.

The present works by the eminent Belgian historian Jean-Pierre 
Devroey represent a vigorous defense of the conventional view that 
the early medieval society and economy was a distinct social type 
fundamentally different from the societies that preceded and 
succeeded it. Explicitly inspired by the theories of Max Weber and 
Karl Polanyi, this vision is idealistic rather than causal or 
mechanistic, to use an old-fashioned dichotomy. It aims to explain 
"why" things worked in terms of their relation to a pre-existing 
whole rather than "how" they worked in terms of ordinary connections 
between cause and effect. For Devroey, the true history is sociology. 
The historian's task is to show how relations between different 
elements of a society formed a coherent "whole" or type. The 
theoretical foundation of this approach to the past is Durkheim's 
tenet that social cohesion is a necessary condition for the temporal 
persistence of a society. This makes the central task of the 
historian the identification of the sources and mechanisms of that 
cohesion. Since every society is unique, the mechanisms will differ, 
providing a basis for comparative analysis of societies. The project 
of these two works, then, is to construct an ideal type for that 
analysis. As Teggart pointed out long ago, this approach to history 
is essentially teleological, since it presumes the whole used to 
explain the meaning of the parts.[2] In the present case the "whole" 
is Frankish society. The books thus fall in the category of "stages" 
history, to which may be added work on the same period by the English 
historian Chris Wickham, whose approach is also inspired by Polanyi 
notions of reciprocity and redistribution as essential means of 
securing social solidarity in primitive societies.[3] Both authors 
read the early medieval record through the eyes of social 
anthropologists, and are thus blind to what the eyes of Machiavelli 
and Adam Smith detect in it.

Devroey's work thus poses a direct challenge to the alternative 
vision of early medieval society proposed by Karl-Ferdinand Werner, 
Jean Durliat and Elisabeth Magnou-Nortier, who view the early Middle 
Ages from the perspective of the two great theorists of 
self-interested human behavior. That perspective reveals significant 
continuity with late Roman civilization in Frankish institutions of 
public administration and landholding.[4] The findings rest on a 
re-reading of the polemical and chronological texts, on 
prosographical studies of the leading Frankish families in the degree 
the evidence supports it, and on close analysis of the contemporary 
legal texts. It starts from the premise that the dissolution of the 
Roman state in the West was essentially an appropriation of its 
levers of power by German military leaders to whom the Roman state 
had unwisely subcontracted the defense of the Empire. Given that 
premise, the central historical questions turn on how the change in 
administration affected existing governmental apparatus and the 
day-to-day life of ordinary people, and how political legitimacy -- 
the ability to command and the willingness to obey -- was maintained 
in the presence of new and foreign rulers. Of the day-to-day life we 
know virtually nothing; but it seems plausible that in the core of 
the Frankish kingdom, things went on pretty much as before, except 
that, as would be the case down to the middle of the seventeenth 
century, there was fighting among elites for control of the state and 
its fiscal resources, and that for this and other reasons that part 
of the economy based on exchange imploded. On the sources of 
political legitimacy and the apparatus of administration, the texts 
are more loquacious, and everything thing they say supports the 
notion of continuity rather than the creation of a new society by 
force.[5] If so, the early medieval past was not a different country, 
but a place and time where men (and women) behaved in ways that are 
familiar to us. It did not constitute a "whole" whose meaning is 
accessible only through an exposition of its inner logic, but a 
congeries of institutions, practices, and attitudes evolving at 
different rates under the pressure of particular events.

 From the perspective of economic history the main issues concern the 
nature of landholding and the organization of the state. Was land 
effectively "owned" by the elite and farmed by tenants on tenures 
determined by asymmetric bargaining, or was it mostly in the hands of 
small holders subject to their paying a property tax? To some that 
may be a distinction without a difference: taxes mainly went to 
support soldiers who the conventional historiography holds were 
granted land and rights of peasants in payment for their services. In 
either case the agricultural surplus went to the same people. But 
from the perspective of agrarian history the distinction is crucial. 
Taxes were based on assessments not easily altered, since they were 
regulated by law. On the assumption that they continued to be 
collected by tax farmers, the proceeds, or more commonly the tax base 
that generated them, could be securitized and alienated like any 
other asset, which would explain the exceptionally complex pattern of 
claims revealed by the sources. The issue turns on the continuity of 
law. The "primitivist" view of early medieval society espoused by 
Devroey considers the early medieval era to be fundamentally lawless 
and governed by relations of force in which the strong expropriated 
the weak. The "Romanist" view holds for legal continuity; the strong 
appropriated the tax base but within what must have been fairly wide 
bounds maintained the rule of law with respect to collection. The 
issue bears directly on the interpretation of terms relating to 
agricultural organization, which can be read alternatively as 
describing estates and farms or as units of fiscal assessment. 
According to Devroey, the "fiscalist" view is in his words 
"formalist," because it rests on the explicit meaning of the legal 
texts rather than their presumed "real" meaning. He denies that view 
at great length and in great detail. The denial represents the core 
of both volumes.

Neither book is an easy read. _?conomie rurale_ is intended as a 
textbook for students preparing the _aggr?gation_, or state doctoral 
examinations in medieval history. _Puissants et mis?rables_ is a 
treatise constructed on Weberian principles modified by late 
twentieth-century French sociology. Both deploy immense erudition to 
support the conventional view of a discontinuity and social 
primitivism against the hypothesis of continuity. Since the technical 
debate turns on etymological issues bearing on individual terms, it 
would be fruitless to attempt to summarize the argument in a short 
review. I am not persuaded by it, but as I am not a specialist in 
late Roman and early medieval Latin my judgment carries no special 
weight in the debate. Nevertheless, many of his arguments strike me 
as dogmatic assertions and special pleading. Heavy reliance on 
Polanyi as a source of theoretical insight raises further danger 
flags, as do abstract sociological arguments used to motivate 
description and analysis of institutions. One longs for a simple 
explanation of how things worked rather than why they worked. In 
terms of the issues raised, both books would have been better served 
by a clear exposition of the alternative points of view followed by 
analysis of facts bearing on them. They contain a lot of useful 
matter, but it is hard work to release them from their matrix of 
verbiage. The bibliography is magnificent. To cite the review of 
Moritz-Maria von Igelfeld's _Portuguese Irregular Verbs_, the books 
give the impression that "there is nothing more to be said on this 
subject. Nothing."[6] There is, of course, much more to be said.

Of the two works, the textbook is more accessible to non-specialists, 
despite being disfigured by "boxes" containing further information of 
the kind familiar to users of elementary textbooks in economics. The 
other covers more ground and provides a splendid introduction to the 
huge explosion in scholarship since the 1960s. Neither book can be 
ignored. Though clearly not the last word in early medieval economic 
and social history, they represent a major contribution that no one 
pretending to an opinion on the period can afford to dismiss. They 
are, however, highly opinionated, and must be read in conjunction 
with the literature they criticize. This is hard work, but there are 
no short-cuts to mastering the secondary literature on early medieval 
economic history. The divisions among its main practitioners are 
important and deep. The best account in English is a recent survey by 
Goldsmith, who gives a clear exposition of the "fiscalist" 
hypothesis, and follows up its implications for the subsequent 
evolution of land tenure in France to the end of the Middle Ages.[7] 
This is the best place for beginners to start.

The early middle ages are a fascinating and central segment of the 
history of western civilization. Like all extended periods, they were 
a time of transition. The explosion of scholarship since the 1960s 
and the renewal of interest in classical antiquity have given new 
life to a subject whose general contours seemed to have been set in 
stone in the magnificent syntheses proposed by Pirenne and Bloch. It 
is time for a new synthesis that encompasses the new findings and 
interpretations in a plausible narrative account of the 
transformation of a society and economy over five centuries. That 
synthesis is within reach, but to attain it will require confronting 
these two large volumes that, like the Roman army in its latter days, 
defend the conventional wisdom on the several fronts of attack.


1. Georges Duby, _The Early Growth of the European Economy: Warriors 
and Peasants from the Seventh to the Twelfth Century_, London (1974).

2. Frederick J. Teggart, _Theory of History_, New Haven (1925).

3. Chris Wickham, _Framing the Early Middle Ages: Europe and the 
Mediterranean, 400 - 800_, Oxford (2005).

4. Karl-Ferdinand Werner, _Naissance de la noblesse: L'essor des 
?lites politiques en Europe_, Paris (1998); Elisabeth Magnou-Nortier, 
_Aux sources de la gestion publique. 1. Enqu?te lexicographique sur 
le fundus, villa, domus, mansus_, Lille (1993); Jean Durliat, _Les 
finances publiques de Diocl?tien aux Carolingiens, 284-889_, 
Sigmaringen (1990).

5. Bernard Bachrach, _Early Medieval Warfare: Prelude to Empire_, 
Philadelphia (2001).

6. Alexander McCall Smith, _Portuguese Irregular Verbs_, London (2003).

7. James Lowth Goldsmith, _Lordship in France, 500-1500_, New York (2003).

George Grantham is Professor of Economics at McGill University, where 
he teaches economic history and the history of economic thought. His 
work on the present topic includes "The Early Medieval Transition: On 
the Origins of the Manor and the Early Medieval Transition," 
presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Economic 
Association, Nashville, 2003. He is currently revising papers on 
"What's Space Got to Do with It? Distance and Agricultural 
Productivity before the Railway Age" and "The Prehistoric Origins of 
European Economic Integration."

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