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[log in to unmask] (Ross B. Emmett)
Fri Mar 31 17:19:07 2006
text/plain (53 lines)
====================== HES POSTING ====================== 
HISTORY OF PSYCHOLOGY, the new official journal of Division 26 (History of 
Psychology) of the American Psychological Association, is scheduled to 
begin publication in early 1998. The Division's Executive Committee is 
pleased to announce that Michael M. Sokal, Professor of History at the 
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, will serve as the founding editor for the 
new quarterly. With longstanding interests, work, and contacts in both the 
history and psychology communities, he will provide the experience, 
expertise and energy and necessary to launch this important new 
Editorial Policy: The journal will serve as a forum for both psychologists 
and other interested scholars for the full range of current ideas and 
approaches pertaining to the relationship between history and psychology. 
It will primarily feature refereed scholarly articles dealing with 
specific issues, areas, and/or individuals in the history of psychology. 
It will also publish papers in related areas such as historical psychology 
(the history of consciousness and behavior), theory in psychology as it 
pertains to history, historiography, biographical and autobiographical 
analysis, psychohistory, and issues involved in teaching the history of 
Author Instructions: Because the journal expects submissions from both the 
psychology and history communities, authors may choose for their 
manuscript style either of two forms: (1) that specified in the 
"Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association" (4th 
edition); or (2) that of the University of Chicago Press's "A Manual of 
Style" (14th edition). If the latter style is chosen, reference lists 
should be eliminated or incorporated into endnotes. All manuscripts 
require an abstract of approximately 100 to 120 words typed on a separate 
sheet of paper at the beginning of the manuscript. In order to assure 
anonymous reviews, all author-identifying information should be excluded 
from the body of the text. Manuscripts must follow APA policies regarding 
language and ethics, as spelled out in the "Publication Manual of the 
American Psychological Association." 
Submit 4 copies of articles or direct inquiries to: 
Dr. Michael M. Sokal 
Department of Humanities and Arts 
100 Institute Road 
Worcester, MA 01609-2280 
Telephone (508)831-5712 
FAX (508)831-5932 or 5878 
============ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ============ 
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