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Societies for the History of Economics <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 18 May 2014 06:28:55 -0400
text/plain (36 lines)
>  Given Veblen's writing style, I assume your quotation from him is meant
to inject irony into this conversation.

Not at all.  Since you enquiry about my intentions I will explain them. 
They were:

1)  To rebuke those who ignored the substance of my mail to focus upon

2)  To point up an echo in Veblen’s “scholasticism” of my recent SHOE
reference to Wycliff.

Concerning Wycliff I wrote:  “My current position with regard to
contemporary academic life seems to me broadly similar to that taken by
Wycliff towards the Catholic Church”

The quote I had in mind (from memory, and I read Wycliff about 20 years
back) concerned 14th century friars – whom he described as ‘dead men held
together by chains of dogma’

My wife often correctly reminds me just how lucky in life I have been.  My
grandfather fought on the Somme, her father fought at Stalingrad.  My own
father was I think a little ashamed of his own luck, (WWII - sergeant of a
bomb loading crew).  And I think that is why as children we occasionally
were driven out to ancient battlefields, Marston Moor, and Towton, a kind of
penance in return for the luck.  I have had greater opportunity to travel,
and found Vitkov Hill a good place to meditate upon those who ignored
Wycliff’s warnings.

In anticipation of possible criticism of this mail, I pre-lodge Cobbett’s
defence of Voltaire (available on request)

most sincerely

Rob Tye, York UK, (no affiliation)