James C.W. Ahiakpor wrote:
>John Médaille wrote:
>>The problem I see with a FRS is that it
>>privatizes a public power. Why should the banks
>>have the power to create money? We bail the
>>banks with borrowed money they create.
>>Something is not right about that. We will be
>>paying interest on the money they (or their
>>Chinese counterparts) lend us to give to them. What's wrong with this picture?
>I wish John had paid attention to what I wrote
>earlier about the advantage of using classical
>definitions rather than those of J.M.
>Keynes. His apparent confusion stems from ignoring my suggestion.
Oh, I read it. I just didn't agree with it. I
agreed with Keynes. I don't think I'm alone in
that. I'm certainly not the first person you've
talked to that had a different view; are they all
confused, or do they just have different theories?
I do agree with you that there are "some
incredibly wrong things have been done lately in
the U.S. in the name of monetary policy. " I just
don't agree that any of that can be laid to Keynes.
John C. Médaille