I am amongst those who would support and be willing to pay for a "de-edited" version of Hayek's Fatal Conceit although what already exists is excellent in its own right irrespective of who wrote it. But I would be interested myself in seeing Hayek's own way of putting these thoughts if they are indeed substantially different from the edited version we now have.
Dr Steven Kates
School of Economics, Finance
and Marketing
RMIT University
Level 12 / 239 Bourke Street
Melbourne Vic 3000
Phone: (03) 9925 5878
Mobile: 042 7297 529
>>> Robert Leeson <[log in to unmask]> 02/09/2010 3:40 am >>>
In response to off-line requests for clarification: A lawyer (Steve Dimmick) is forensically examining the numerous drafts of the Fatal Conceit to see whether the editor, William Warren Bartley III, was doing a sterling job of tidying up Hayek's Germanic prose etc or illegimately introducing his own epistemological pre-dispositions and passing them off as the final resting point of Hayek's intellectual journey.
The concerns have been summarised by Lanny Ebenstein:
Robert Leeson