The 2012 Canadian Association for Conservation annual conference will be
held at the Holiday Inn Waterfront in downtown Peterborough, Ontario from
Thursday, 24 May to Saturday, 26 May, 2012. The theme for the Conference is
the "Power of Preservation". Preservation aspects that highlight the
significance, value, advocacy, and interpret the tangible and intangible
aspects of what we do as preservation specialists in a wide scope of
materials and disciplines.
In additional to formal papers (20 to 30 minutes in length), submission for
posters and ignite sessions is also welcomed. What is ignite? Ignite gives
presenters 5 minutes and 20 slides to demonstrate their ideas and
information. Each slide is displayed for 15 seconds and automatically moves
Abstract Format: Abstracts should be between 300 and 500 words, and must
include: title of presentation, names of all contributors, mailing address,
telephone number, fax number, and e-mail of contact person, and name of
presenting person(s).
Submit abstracts in either French or English by email attachment (MS Word,
double-spaced, 12 point, Arial font) and indicate "CALL FOR PAPERS - CAC
2012" in the subject line by 31 January 2012 to:
Jessica Lafrance
2012 CAC Conference Program Chair
[log in to unmask]
A selection committee will review abstracts and notify speakers as soon as
possible. Participation from students, new members and professionals from
allied fields is encouraged.
For information about the conference, please contact Co-Chairs, Cindy
Colford ([log in to unmask]) and Gayle McIntyre
([log in to unmask]).
Iona McCraith
Preservation Consultant
Archives Association of Ontario
Tel: (705) 277-1309 Fax: (705) 277-2091
Email: [log in to unmask]