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Fri Mar 31 17:19:18 2006
[log in to unmask] (Ross B. Emmett)
text/plain (78 lines)
====================== HES POSTING ===================== 
                           CALL FOR PAPERS 
                 Nineteenth-Century Studies Association 
                    Announces its annual conference 
                             BY BODY BOUND 
        Keynote speaker: 
        James R. Kincaid 
        University of Southern California 
        Author of _Child-Loving: the Erotic Child and Victorian Culture_, 
        1992 _Annoying the Victorians_, 1995 _Erotic Innocence_, 
        forthcoming spring 1998 
NCSA, an interdisciplinary association for the study of nineteenth-century 
cultures-- British, American, and continental-- announces its 17th annual 
conference, BY BODY BOUND, to be hosted by the University of Alabama in 
Huntsville, 2-4 April 1998. 
The conference invites cultural, social, historical, literary, aesthetic, 
political, scientific, and philosophical perspectives on the 
nineteenth-century body. We invite papers from multiple disciplines that 
consider all manner of nineteenth-century materials, such as its art and 
artifacts; literature; religious, scientific, or legal writing; social, 
political, and economic debate. Papers might consider: 
        Representing the body, the aesthetic, the decadent, the subjugated, 
        the domesticated, the radicalized, the imperial and colonized, the 
        criminal, the grotesque; the young; the old; 
        Decorating the body; marking it; theatricalizing it; dressing and 
        undressing it; 
        Reading the body, phrenology, and physiognomy; 
        Diagnosing the body and its ills; the working body, the way to 
        health; diet, excercise, regimens, sanitation; social planning, 
        workplace reform and housing; 
        The dying body and the dead body; 
        The spirited body; ghosts; the release from the body; 
        Body politics, gender and sexuality; prostitution; purity; 
        The Darwinian body, evolving or degenerating; 
        The economic body and the legislated body; 
        The body as social metaphor; the body politic; 
        Bodies of work. 
Two copies of proposals (one to two pages) for twenty-minute papers should 
be accompanied by a brief curriculum vita and a 50-75 word abstract. 
Proposals for panels or for other topics for open sessions are also 
welcome. All materials should reach the Program Directors by mail no later 
than 1 October 1997. You may email queries, but NOT proposals. Decisions 
will be announced by December 1997. 
Send to: 
David Stewart                   or              Julie English Early 
Department of Art                               Department of English 
Roberts Hall                                    Morton Hall 
[log in to unmask]                          [log in to unmask] 
                The University of Alabama in Huntsville 
                        Huntsville, AL 35899 
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