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Fri Mar 31 17:18:33 2006
[log in to unmask] (Ross B. Emmett)
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=================== HES POSTING ===================== 
[Posted on behalf of Annie L. Cot <[log in to unmask]> --RBE] 
Association Charles Gide pour l'Etude de la Pensee Economique 
International Conference 
Formal Models and Economic Theory: History, Analysis, Methodology 
September 17 and 18, 1999 
Call for papers 
What kind of scientific references did economic theory adopt throughout 
its history? What formal models were conducive to these references? How 
did they shape the analytical content of the theory? What analogies or 
homologies could be considered as having initiated new approaches to 
economic theory? 
Such questions lead to analyze the place and role of medical, chemical, 
mechanical, thermodynamical, biological, systemic, or other formal 
metaphors in the construction of economic theory. 
The conference on "Formal Models and Economic Theory : History, Analysis, 
Methodology" is thus open to several approaches : the history of the 
scientific references adopted by economists since the XVIIth century, the 
history - whether externalist or internalist - of the successive ways in 
which economic theory has been formalized throughout time, the history of 
mathematical economics, the history of econometrics, the history of game 
theory, the study of the connections at work in cotemporary theory 
between analysis and methodology, the renewal of the methodological and 
epistemological debates on the foundations, the conditions, the 
justifications and the limits of formalization in economics. 
Scientific Committee 
Richard Arena (LATAPSES, University of Nice) 
Claude d'Aspremont (CORE, Catholic University of Louvain) 
Yves Breton (Centre Walras, University of Lyon II) 
Annie L. Cot (GRESE, University of Paris I) 
Gerard Debreu (Chaire Blaise Pascal, CERMSEM, University of Paris I) 
Pierre Dockes (Centre Walras, University of Lyon II) 
Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira (BETA, University of Strasbourg) 
Roger Frydman (CAESAR, University of Paris X) 
Louis-Andre Gerard-Varet (GREQAM, University of Aix-Marseille) 
Roger Guesnerie (DELTA, EHESS) 
Gerard Jorland (CNRS, EHESS) 
Jerome Lallement (GRESE, University of Dijon) 
Andre Lapidus (CHPE, University of Paris I) 
Claude Meidinger (TEAM, University of Paris I) 
Philippe Mongin (CNRS, THEMA, University of Cergy-Pontoise) 
Sylvain Sorin (Laboratoire d'econometrie de l'X, University of Paris X) 
Bernard Walliser (Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees, EHESS) Andre 
Zylberberg (EUREQUA, University of Paris I) 
Organizing Committee 
Nicolas Chaigneau (GRESE, University of Paris IX) 
Annie L. Cot (GRESE, University of Paris I) 
Julien Dupont (GRESE, University of Paris I) 
Gerard Jorland (CNRS, EHESS) 
Ariane Kieffer (GRESE, University of Paris XI) 
Jerome Lallement (GRESE, University of Dijon) 
Philippe Le Gall (ATOM, University of Paris I) 
Veronique Parel (GRESE, University of Reims) 
Abstracts should be submitted by January 30th, 1999, to: 
Colloque "Modeles formels et theorie economique : histoire, analyse, 
epistemologie" GRESE Universite de Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne Maison des 
Sciences Economiques 106-112, boulevard de l'Hopital 75013 Paris France 
telephone : 33 (0) 1 55 43 42 37 e-mail : [log in to unmask] 
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