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Fri Mar 31 17:19:10 2006
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----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
    The January 2003 (62:1) issue of The American Journal of Economics and Sociology will
be given over entirely to the philosophical thought of the brilliant University of
California, Berkeley professor, John R. Searle.  In 1995, Searle published The
Construction of Social Reality.  This book set out to reconstruct the ontology of the
social sciences based on Searle’s analysis of linguistic practices and his celebrated work
on intentionality.   The book offers a stimulating account of institutional facts.
Institutional facts are not the brute facts of nature but complex creations of everyday
social life.   The utilization of social institutions and their replication in usage
allows for a more efficient economic system.  Much like a highway or a bridge they make
human action more effective in the pursuit of human projects and goals.
The January 2003 will feature a blend of philosophical papers written by professional
philosophers along with papers written by economists, sociologists and political
scientists.  Special attention will be given to papers written by social scientists and
all inquiries should be addressed to the editor-in-chief of the AJES; Professor Laurence
S. Moss / Babson College/ Mustard Hall/ Babson Park/ Massachusetts 02457.  [log in to unmask]
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