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Print Reply
Fri Mar 31 17:19:14 2006
[log in to unmask] (Ross Emmett)
text/plain (65 lines)
----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
A.I.S.P.E. Associazione Italiana per la Storia del Pensiero Economico 
(Italian Association for the History of Economic Thought)  
VI National Congress 
The unsustainable development: Underdevelopment in the History of 
Economic Thought 
University of Lecce, May  24th - 26th, 2001 
The Conference will be divided into two sections: a section on the 
official theme and an open section. The opening papers, the final round 
table, and one or two plenary sessions will be devoted to the official 
theme(definitive programme of the Conference to be advised). The 
parallel sessions, in the open part of the Conference, will be devoted 
to free subjects. 
The registration deadline is January 31th, 2001. 
Scholars who wish to apply should: 
register for the Conference by e-mail or fax or normal mail, sending 
their address and * if possible * e-mail address; 
submit any papers by sending an abstract of no more than 3 pages; 
order, if interested, their copy of the CD-rom containing the papers 
of the official theme of the Conference. 
Preferably the paper should be e-mailed at the address of the Conference 
and to the Presidency of AISPE ([log in to unmask]) or sent to the 
Conference address, and to the President of AISPE: Riccardo Faucci, 
Università di Pisa, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Via Curtatone e Montanara, 
15 56126 Pisa * Italy (in this case please send two copies + floppy disk 
for each ordinary mail address). 
The National Council of AISPE will examine the proposals. Notice of 
acceptance of the papers will be sent by 28th February 2001. 
The papers of the official part of the Conference will be published on 
CD-rom at the price of Italian Lire 10,000. For this reason those who 
wish to give a paper on the official theme are invited to send the entire 
text, by e-mail or by ordinary mail on a floppy disk, before 23rd April 
2001 to the Conference address. The CD- rom, ordered at the time of 
registration, will be delivered by hand at the beginning of the Conference. 
Registration for the Conference 
The registration for the Conference is different from the annual membership 
of AISPE (which can, as usual, be taken out during the Conference). 
Registration for the Conference costs Italian Lire 50,000 (Italian Lire 
25.000 for graduate and Ph D students. It is free for invited speakers). 
Those registered are entitled: to receive the definitive programme of the Conference and
all organizing news by e-mail; to participate in lunches
and coffee-breaks at the Conference; to receive the official Conference 
The registration fee is to be paid in Lecce at the opening of the Conference 
Conference addresses: 
E-mail: [log in to unmask] 
Mail: Convegno AISPE, Centro di Studi Economici, Università degli studi 
di Lecce, pal. Parlangeli, Via Stampacchia, 73100 Lecce, ITALY. 
Tel. 0039-0832-33 66 29 
Fax 0039-0832-33 66 26 
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