Dear Humberto [Bert apparently]
I would just like to thank you personally for these changes and for responding to this enormous challenge as you did. I think I was the one to start this going and I personally am very appreciative of the way that this has worked itself out. Had I known how much work was involved, I think I might have kept my worries to myself. But this is such a wonderful resource to all of us which was why I wrote to you in the first place as I did. I only hope that nothing I had said was seen by you as a criticism since none was intended. I only wished to let you know how this was being experienced by at least some of us out here. The resolution, from my perspective anyway, has been perfect and I am very grateful. I am sorry that it looks less and less likely that I will get to the HES since they have now timed my exam five days before it starts (although I am trying to have the timing changed). I therefore won't get the chance to meet you on this occasion and to thank you personally, but I wish you well and will remain an attentive and interested reader of this site.
With kind regards
Dr Steven Kates
School of Economics, Finance
and Marketing
RMIT University
Level 12 / 239 Bourke Street
Melbourne Vic 3000
Phone: (03) 9925 5878
Mobile: 042 7297 529
>>> Humberto Barreto <[log in to unmask]> 30/04/2010 2:21 am >>>
I'm guessing many of you concluded that your moderator was asleep at
the switch and oblivious to the fact that the messages from the SHOE
list do not appear with the word SHOE in the subject line.
Actually, I have been keenly aware of this and I can provide evidence
of the many emails I have sent to York University's tech support
staff. To make a very long story much shorter, all of the fixes I have
been trying work ONLY for NEW subscribers. In other words, existing
subscribers have to manually change their options to get the word SHOE
to appear in the subject line. Fortunately, I can bulk unsubscribe all
of you and then resubscribe you and we will (finally!) get the word
SHOE to appear in the subject line.
This solution is not costless for some of you. Any preferences that
you have set (such as Avi's favorite, digest mode so that he gets a
batch of messages at one time) will be destroyed. You will have to
reset those preferences. My thinking on this is that those subscribers
savvy enough to have set preferences before can do so again. The link
to set preferences is here
So, I hope this ends the saga of the recent changes to the SHOE list.
Please remember that, going forward, I will not be editing messages so
I would encourage you to self-edit: choose an informative, short
subject line, remove all unnecessary trails of quoted text from
previous messages, and proofread your message before sending. If you
are a gmail user, be aware that while it suppresses the quoted text on
your screen, it's still in the message and you should remove it. The
archive will be messier from now on, but you convinced me that the
benefits of having the message come from the original sender is worth
that cost. FYI, the archive is here:
I will subscribe and unsubscribe everyone after I send this message --
a process that should be unnoticeable to you. For all future messages,
I expect the subject line to have "[SHOE]" inserted automatically by
the list software. The vast majority of you need do nothing -- for the
few of you that had digest mode or other preferences, please use the
link above to reset those preferences. if you have any trouble, please
let me know.
I hope to see you at the HES meetings in Syracuse,
Humberto Barreto