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Fri Mar 31 17:18:58 2006
[log in to unmask] (Ross B. Emmett)
text/plain (34 lines)
======================= HES POSTING ==================== 
                Second European Social Science History Conference 
                The Netherlands 
                5-7 March 1998 
The Second European Social Science History Conference will be held in 
the town of Amsterdam, probably on 5-7 March 1998. The ESSHC aims at 
bringing together scholars interested in explaining historical phenomena 
using the methods of the social sciences. The conference is 
characterized by a lively exchange in many small groups, rather than by 
formal plenary sessions. The Conference welcomes papers and sessions on 
any topic and any historical period. It is organised in a large number 
of networks which cover a certain topic (e.g. criminal justice, 
family/demography, social inequality, economics). This Conference fee 
will be dfl. 150 (at present this is about US $ 90). The deadline for 
sending in an abstract is 30 April 1997. 
Further information about the European Social Science History Conference 
can be obtained from the Conference Internet site at 
or from the conference secretariat: European Social Science History 
Conference 1998, c/o International Institute of Social History, 
Cruquiusweg 31, 1019 AT Amsterdam, Netherlands; Telephone: 
+31.20.6685866; Fax: +31.20.6654181; E-mail: [log in to unmask] 
============ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ============ 
For information, send the message "info HES" to [log in to unmask]