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Humberto Barreto <[log in to unmask]>
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Societies for the History of Economics <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 18 Nov 2019 13:47:51 -0300
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nep-hpe  New Economics Papers on History and Philosophy of Economics
Issue of 2019‒11‒18
eleven papers chosen by
Erik Thomson (University of Manitoba)

[Selections by Humberto Barreto for SHOE list.]

 1. Time for a Paradigm Shift: From Economic Growth and Price-Making
     Markets to Social Ecological Economics
   Clive L. Spash
 2. Relative Fairness and Quasifairness
   McCain, Roger
 3. The Efficient Market Hypothesis and Rational Expectations. How Did
     They Meet and Live (Happily?) Ever After
   Thomas Delcey; Francesco Sergi
 4. Sniff Tests in Economics: Aggregate Distribution of Their Probability
     Values and Implications for Publication Bias
   Snyder, Christopher; Zhuo, Ran
 5. Natural Resources in the Theory of Production: The
     Georgescu-Roegen/Daly versus Solow/Stiglitz Controversy
   Quentin Couix
 6. On the Role of Finance in Sraffa’s System
   Dvoskin, Ariel; Feldman, Germán David
 7. Commodity Instability and Developing Countries
   Maizels, Alfred
 8. Law’s Humility: The Possibility of Metajurisprudence
   Gkouvas, Triantafyllos
 9. Dobrogea School of Economics
   ARTENE, Alin
10. Political acceptability of climate policies : do we need a "just
     transition" or simply less unequal societies ?
   Francesco Vona
11. Friedrich Hayek and the Price System : a speech at "The Road to
     Serfdom at 75: The Future of Classical Liberalism and the Free Market"
     Ninth Annual Conference of the William F. Buckley, Jr., Program at Yale,
     New Haven, Connecticut, November 1, 2019.
   Quarles, Randal K.


 1. Time for a Paradigm Shift: From Economic Growth and Price-Making
     Markets to Social Ecological Economics
   Clive L. Spash
  Ecological economics has ontological foundations that inform it as a
  paradigm both biophysically and socially. It stands in strong opposition to
  mainstream thought on the operations of the economy and society. The core
  arguments deconstruct and oppose both growth and price-making market
  paradigms. However, in contradiction of these theoretical foundations,
  ecological economists can be found who call upon neoclassical economic
  theory as insightful, price-making and capitalist markets as socially
  justified means of allocation and economic growth as achieving progress and
  development. The more radical steady-state and post-growth/degrowth
  movements are shown to include confused and conflicted stances in relation
  to the mainstream hegemonic paradigms. Ecological economics personally
  challenges those trained in mainstream theory to move beyond their orthodox
  education and leave behind the flawed theories and concepts that contribute
  to supporting systems that create social, ecological and economic crises.
  This paper makes explicit the paradigmatic struggle of the past thirty years
  and the need to wipe away mainstream apologetics, pragmatic conformity and
  ill-conceived postmodern pluralism. It details the core paradigmatic
  conflict and specifies the alternative social ecological economic paradigm
  along with a new research agenda.
   JEL: A11 A12 A13 A14 B29 B50 D40 D46 D62 O44 P1 P2 P16 P28 Q56 Q57
   Keywords: Paradigm shift; Economic growth; Markets, Price, Value theory,
    Social ecological economics, Steady-state economics, Degrowth,
    Post-Growth, Capitalism, Neoclassical economics, Socialism
   Date: 2019

 2. Relative Fairness and Quasifairness
   McCain, Roger (Drexel University School of Economics)
  Fairness has been an important topic of the philosophic literature in recent
  decades, with John Rawls' (1971 1993), ideas at the center. It is less well
  known that there is a literature on fairness (or equity) in neoclassical
  economics, which shows the influence, at least, of Rawls' difference
  principle, and that that literature has in turned influenced philosophical
  writing, principally through the work of Robert Dworkin (1981). Dworkin
  designates his view as "resource equalitarianism" and essentially adopts
  Varian's (1973) ideas from the neoclassical literature in order to define
  equal access to resources. In this paper, the first section will outline
  concepts of relative fairness and quasifairness in the comparison of social
  situations; the second will offer an argument for their representation of
  fairness based on an adaptation of the veil of ignorance, and the third will
  argue that relative quasifairness, in particular, addresses what has been an
  unsolved problem: intergenerational fairness.
   JEL: D60
   Keywords: fairness; efficiency; preference; overlapping generations
   Date: 2019–10–07

 3. The Efficient Market Hypothesis and Rational Expectations. How Did
     They Meet and Live (Happily?) Ever After
   Thomas Delcey (CES - Centre d'économie de la Sorbonne - CNRS - Centre
    National de la Recherche Scientifique - UP1 - Université
    Panthéon-Sorbonne); Francesco Sergi (UWE Bristol - University of the West
    of England [Bristol])
  This article investigates the origins and early development of the
  association between the efficient market hypothesis and rational
  expectations. These two concepts are today distinctive theoretical
  benchmarks for mainstream approaches to, respectively, finance and
  macroeconomics. Moreover, scholars in each of these two fields tend to
  associate the two ideas as related equilibrium concepts; they also claim
  that the two have a common historical origin. Although some historical
  accounts have been provided about either the origins of rational
  expectations or of the efficient market hypothesis, very few historians have
  been investigating the history of the association between the two concepts
  (or, more generally, the history of the interactions between macroeconomics
  and finance). The contribution of this paper is precisely to fill this gap
  in the historical literature, while assessing and challenging self-produced
  narratives told by practitioners. We suggest that the two concepts were
  independently developed in the 1960s. Then, we illustrate how they were
  associated for the first time the early 1970s, within a debate about the
  term structure of the interest rates involving Sargent, Modigliani, Shiller,
  and Fama. Finally, we discuss some early controversies about the
  association, which nevertheless became, at the turn of the 1970s, a
  step-stone for both macroeconomics and finance.
   Keywords: Efficient market hypothesis,Fama (Eugene),Lucas (Robert
    E),history of finance,history of macroeconomics,rational
    expectations,Sargent (Thomas J)
   Date: 2019–07–17

 4. Sniff Tests in Economics: Aggregate Distribution of Their Probability
     Values and Implications for Publication Bias
   Snyder, Christopher; Zhuo, Ran
  The increasing demand for rigor in empirical economics has led to the
  growing use of auxiliary tests (balance, specification, over-identification,
  placebo, etc.) supporting the credibility of a paper’s main results. We dub
  these “sniff tests” because standards for passing are subjective and
  rejection is bad news for the author. Sniff tests offer a new window into
  publication bias since authors prefer them to be insignificant, the reverse
  of standard statistical tests. Collecting a sample of nearly 30,000 sniff
  tests across 60 economics journals, we provide the first estimate of their
  aggregate probability-value (p-value) distribution. For the subsample of
  balance tests in randomized controlled trials (for which the distribution of
  p-values is known to be uniform absent publication bias, allowing
  reduced-form methods to be employed) estimates suggest that 45% of failed
  tests remain in the “file drawer” rather than being published. For the
  remaining sample with an unknown distribution of p-values, structural
  estimates suggest an even larger file-drawer problem, as high as 91%. Fewer
  significant sniff tests show up in top-tier journals, smaller tables, and
  more recent articles. We find no evidence of author manipulation other than
  a tendency to overly attribute significant sniff tests to bad luck.
   Date: 2018–11–30

 5. Natural Resources in the Theory of Production: The
     Georgescu-Roegen/Daly versus Solow/Stiglitz Controversy
   Quentin Couix (UP1 UFR02 - Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - UFR d'Économie -
    UP1 - Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, CES - Centre d'économie de la Sorbonne
    - CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - UP1 - Université
  This paper provides a theoretical and methodological account of an important
  controversy between neoclassical resources economics and ecological
  economics, from the early 1970s to the end of the 1990s. It shows that the
  assumption of unbounded resources productivity in the work of Solow and
  Stiglitz, and the related concepts of substitution and technical progress,
  rest on a model-based methodology. On the other hand, Georgescu-Roegen's
  assumption of thermodynamic limits to production, later revived by Daly,
  comes from a methodology of interdisciplinary consistency. I conclude that
  neither side provided a definitive proof of its own claim because both face
  important conceptual issues.
   Keywords: Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen,Robert Solow,Joseph Stiglitz,natural
    resources,theory of production
   Date: 2019–10–24

 6. On the Role of Finance in Sraffa’s System
   Dvoskin, Ariel (National University of San Martín); Feldman, Germán David
    (National University of San Martín)
  We critically review the previous attempts to introduce money and finance
  into Sraffa’s price system, whose main difference is, we argue, their
  conception of the interest rate, either as an opportunity cost or as an
  effective cost of production. We examine the implications on three different
  grounds: (i) the formal consistency of the system; (ii) the possibilities to
  explicitly treat the financial industry as any other productive sector; and
  (iii) the validity of the so-called “monetary theory of distribution” (MTD).
  We then suggest a possible route, inspired by Schumpeter’s ideas on economic
  development, to introduce the banking sector through its role of granting
  credit to innovation. Unlike previous contributions, this reformulation
  allows us both to justify the basic nature of the financial sector and
  simultaneously preserve the validity of MTD.
   JEL: E11 E43 E52
   Keywords: Banking industry; Innovation; Monetary theory of distribution;
    Sraffa; Surplus approach.
   Date: 2019–10–16

 7. Commodity Instability and Developing Countries
   Maizels, Alfred
  The significance of commodity price instability for the economic development
  of commodity-exporting countries has been perhaps the dominant theme in the
  postwar literature on the "commodity problem". One of the contending postwar
  views of the significance of excessive commodity price fluctuations on the
  economies of producing countries can be traced back to Keynes. In a now
  famous memorandum, written in 1942, Keynes argued that commodity price
  fluctuations led to unnecessary waste of resources and, by resulting in
  fluctuations in export earnings, had a detrimental effect on investment in
  new productive capacity and perpetuated a cycle in commodity output and thus
  in commodity prices. His solution to the problem was to propose the
  establishment of a series of international buffer stocks for the main
  primary commodities entering international trade, with finance to be
  provided by his proposed Clearing Union (which later came into existence, in
  modified form, as the International Monetary Fund), and with a General
  Council to oversee and guide the operations of the individual buffer stocks.
  Keynes' analysis of the problem of excessive instability in commodity prices
  was not, however, accepted by the postwar school of neoclassical economists,
  who argued that intervention by governments in the working of commodity
  markets was not in the interests of producing countries or of the world
  economy in general. Several distinct arguments have been advanced by
  neoclassical economists to support the view that market intervention would
  be harmful to the economies of commodity-exporting developing countries or
  to world economic growth, or that such intervention is unnecessary since its
  objective of reducing fluctuations in export earnings could be achieved more
  efficiently by other means. The purpose of this Working Paper is to show
  that these arguments, which underlie the perceptions of the 'commodity
  problem' of developed country negotiators, are based on untenable
  assumptions or are otherwise invalid or of limited applicability.
   Keywords: International Development

 8. Law’s Humility: The Possibility of Metajurisprudence
   Gkouvas, Triantafyllos
  This thesis propounds a metatheoretical regimentation of legal claims that
  can accommodate theoretical disagreement across the board. The solution
  explored does not question the incommensurability between the descriptive
  and the normative variants of first-order disputes about the grounds of law.
  What it targets instead is an unpronounced agnosticism about the possibility
  of a more inclusive type of metajurisprudential disagreement that does not
  take for granted either the existence of legal facts—construed either as
  descriptive or as normative facts about what the law requires—as the trivial
  truthmakers of propositions of law or their potentially reason-giving
  properties. On the assumption that the fact that for every legal proposition
  there is something in the world that makes it true is a premise shared by
  all legal philosophers but those of an expressivist inclination, an
  unpronounced, primitive division of opinion occurs as early as one ventures
  to question that our commitment to the possibility of legal truth logically
  entails our commitment to entities of a distinctly legal kind. The
  alternative idea that comes out of the rejection of this entailment will be
  that part of what could explain the slow pace at which the
  positivism-antipositivism debate is moving beyond the traditional conceptual
  jargon of 20th century analytic jurisprudence is the fact that we may have
  been blind to the possibility that our quest for the ultimate grounds of law
  could have been taking place under the veil of a narrow understanding of the
  available options with regard to what could legally exist. In virtue of this
  reconfiguration the prospect of metajurisprudential disagreement acquires
  definitive shape. At this higher level of abstraction questions about the
  perspectival character of legal statements, the constitution of legal
  authority, the relation of legal truth to reality as well as about the
  nature of legal grounding and legal normativity become available for
  meaningful contestation. If there is something that could serve as a
  leitmotiv for this research proposal is that there is no more apt a byword
  for what it is to conduct foundational work in legal philosophy than that
  there is no royal way from semantics to ontology.
   Date: 2018–05–11

 9. Dobrogea School of Economics
   ARTENE, Alin
  At present, we have all the necessary elements to be able to claim that
  "Dobrogea Economics School in Constanta" really exists in the Romanian and
  European academic landscape. Among these elements, we take into account
  those related to tradition, university education programs, valuable teaching
  staff, material basis, results / scientific visibility, etc. This article
  provides an approach to the establishment and further development of the
  Faculty of Economics at "Ovidius" University of Constanta. The continuous
  development of the collaboration relations with other universities -
  Romanian and foreign -, with governmental or private institutions, with the
  business environment, etc. confirms that today there is a Dobrogean School
  of Economics and, moreover, it has all the chances to last forever.
   Date: 2018–09–17

10. Political acceptability of climate policies : do we need a "just
     transition" or simply less unequal societies ?
   Francesco Vona (Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques)
  This blog post is partly based on the policy paper published in the journal
  Climate Policy: ‘Job Losses and the Political Acceptability of Climate
  Policies: why the job killing argument is so persistent and how to overturn
  it.’ Concerns for a ‘just transition’ towards a low-carbon economy are now
  part of mainstream political debates as well as of international
  negotiations on climate change. Key political concerns centre on the
  distributional impacts of climate policies. On the one hand, the ‘job
  killing’ argument has been repeatedly used to undermine the political
  acceptability of climate policy and to ensure generous exemptions to
  polluting industries in most countries. On the other hand, the rising
  populist parties point to carbon taxes as another enhancer of socio-economic
  inequalities. For instance, the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow vest) movement in
  France is a classic example of the perceived tension between social justice
  and environmental sustainability.
   Keywords: Low carbon economy; Climate policy; Social justice;
    Environmental sustainability
   Date: 2019–10

11. Friedrich Hayek and the Price System : a speech at "The Road to
     Serfdom at 75: The Future of Classical Liberalism and the Free Market"
     Ninth Annual Conference of the William F. Buckley, Jr., Program at Yale,
     New Haven, Connecticut, November 1, 2019.
   Quarles, Randal K. (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
   Date: 2019–11–01

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