Kress Seminar in the
(meeting at Harvard)
The Kress Seminar is a regional seminar in the history of
economic thought that has been meeting monthly during the
academic year since Fall 1986. The 'Kress' name reflects our
former affiliation with the Kress Library of 01de Economicks, now
part of the Harvard Business School's special collections. We
meet on the third Thursday evening of each month, September to
May less December, in Littauer M16, a seminar room of the Harvard
University economics department, 7:45-10:00 p.m.
Most Kress participants are college and university faculty
members from Connecticut to New Hampshire, with paper presenters
from New York to Maine. We are unaffiliated with the Harvard
department, except for the meeting place. Because we are a
geographically dispersed group, with several participants who
travel long distances and rarely more than one from any college
faculty, we do not follow the familiar pattern of departmental
seminars. Thus the Thursday evening monthly meeting. F^^h session
is composed of two presentations with separate discussion; there
is occasionally a connection between the two, but that usually
cannot be arranged. Papers are not available in advance. We now
have no budget, so we are indebted to the New England pattern of
many small colleges, and to the academic disposition to enjoy
Harvard Square. (It is very enjoyable.)
"History of economic thought" should be construed broadly.
The papers range from economic history to economic methodology,
foundations of social theory, and social studies of the
contemporary economics profession, with "regular" history of
economic thought composing about 2/3 of the total.
Kress Seminar in the History of Economic Thought
c/o Paul Wendt
64 Riverside St. #3
Watertown, MA 02172-2652
(617) 926-8253
Ross B. Emmett, Augustana University College, Camrose, Alberta
CANADA T4V 2R3 voice: (403) 679-1517 fax: (403) 679-1129
e-mail: [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]