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[log in to unmask] (Esther-Mirjam Sent)
Fri Mar 31 17:19:05 2006
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===================== HES POSTING ===================== 
***** Forwarded from HOPOS-L by Esther-Mirjam Sent ***** 
British Society for History of Science 50th Anniversary Conference 
The History of Science as public culture? 
at the British Association Festival of Science, 
University of Leeds, 9-11 September 1997 
To mark its fiftieth anniversary, which falls in 1997, the British 
Society for the History of Science is holding a conference with the 
title: 'The History of Science as public culture?'.  Its object will 
be to explore the ways in which the enterprise of history of science 
has functioned in public culture and within academia, particularly in 
Britain during the past fifty years.  The primary focus for the 
conference will be on the role played by the history of science in 
public culture--in public debate, in public celebrations, in museums, 
and in visual and printed media.  In addition, the conference will 
consider the extent to which scholars in other disciplines have 
responded to the history of science as an academic discipline, and 
will examine the British tradition of academic history of science 
from an international perspective. 
The conference will be held within the 1997 Festival of Science of 
the British Association for the Advancement of Science.  This week- 
long event is much the largest annual scientific meeting held in 
Britain, with over four hundred specialist speakers and public 
figures, from all fields of science.  BSHS conference delegates will 
be entitled to attend any of the sessions within the British 
Association programme, including sessions on Monday 8 September and 
Friday 12 September.  Of particular interest to historians is a 
session on Monday 8 September focusing on the centenary of the 
electron and the fiftieth anniversary of the transistor.  Full 
programme details for the British Association meeting will be sent to 
all registrants. 
Session 1:  The 'Two cultures' and the history of science. 
Chair: Prof. Ludmilla Jordanova (University of East Anglia) 
09.30   Prof. John Brooke (University of Lancaster) 
        Prof. Gillian Beer (University of Cambridge) 
        [Title to be arranged] 
        Dr. David Edgerton (Imperial College, London) 
        C.P. Snow as historian of British science 
11.00   COFFEE 
11.30   Dr. Joan Leach (Imperial College, London) Speaking 
        scientists and other wonders of nature 
        Prof. David Knight (University of Durham) Working in the 
        glare of two cultures 
Session 2:  History of science and the media. 
Chair:  Prof. Gillian Beer (University of Cambridge) 
14.00   Dr. Helen Haste (University of Bath) 
        Mr. Spock and  Dr.Strangelove 
        Ms. Caroline van den Brul (BBC TV) 
        Science as it happens 
15.30       TEA 
16.00   Dr. James Moore (Open University) Presenting the past: 
        25 years of OU-TV 
Presidential address. 
17.30   Prof. John Brooke (University of Lancaster) Does the 
        history of science have a future? 
Anniversary dinner. 
19.30       To be held at the Royal Armouries Museum, Leeds. 
            Invited guests include many former presidents of the 
Session 3:  History of science and museums. 
Chair:      Dr. Liba Taub (Whipple Museum of the History of 
            Science, University of Cambridge) 
09.30       Introduction 
            Dr. Liba Taub (Whipple Museum of the History of 
            Science, University of Cambridge) 
            Looking back 
            Dr. Robert Anderson (British Museum, London) 
            Dr. Jim Bennett (Museum of the History of Science, 
            University of Oxford) 
            Current initiatives 
            Dr. Dominique Feriot (Conservatoire National des Arts   et 
            Metiers, Paris) 
            Dr. Steve de Clerq (Universiteitsmuseum, Utrecht) 
11.00       COFFEE 
11.30       Looking forward 
            Mr. Simon Chaplin (Science Museum, London) 
            Dr. Ken Arnold (Wellcome Institute, London) 
            Dr. Ghislaine Lawrence (Science Museum, London) 
Session 4: History of science and the printed media. 
Chair:      Prof. Bill Brock (University of Leicester) 
14.00       Dr. Jon Turney (University College, London) 
            Can history be news? 
            Dr. Simon Schaffer (University of Cambridge) 
            History of science in textbooks 
15.30       TEA 
16.00       Dr. John Christie (University of Leeds) 
            Popularisation and public understanding of science: 
            some history 
Anniversary reception. 
17.30       To be held in the Brotherton Library, University of 
Session 5: History of science and public celebrations. 
Chair:      Dr. Robert Bud (Science Museum) 
09.30       Prof. Geoffrey Cantor (University of Leeds) 
            Celebrating Faraday 
            Dr. Christine Blondel (La Villette, Paris) 
            Celebrating Ampere 
11.00       COFFEE 
11.30       Dr. Sophie Forgan (University of Teesside) 
            Native genius and landmarks of progress: science and 
            national identity at the Festival of Britain 
Session 6:  British history of science in international perspective. 
Chair:      Prof. Robert Fox (University of Oxford) 
13.30       Prof. Kostas Gavroglu (University of Athens) 
            An outsider looking in 
            Prof. H. Floris Cohen (University of Twente) 
            The scientific revolution: has there been a British view? 
            Prof. Pietro Corsi (University of Cassino) 
            An Italian perspective 
            Prof. Frederick Gregory (University of Florida- 
            An American perspective 
            Prof. John Krige (La Villette, Paris) 
            A French perspective 
15.30       TEA 
Session 7:  British history of science in interdisciplinary 
Chair:      To be arranged 
16.00       Prof. Steven Fuller (University of Durham) 
            Why  history of science should no longer be 
            rated 'X' for scientists 
            Dr. Steven French (University of Leeds) 
            All I know about history of science I learned in one 
            Prof. Sally Shuttleworth (University of Sheffield) 
            The role of history of science in literary studies 
            Prof. Frank Close (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory) 
            Sub-atomic physics--before my time and after 
            [1 speaker to be arranged] 
The BSHS anniversary conference will be held under the auspices of 
the 1997 Festival of Science of the British Association for the 
Advancement of Science.  Those wishing to attend the conference 
should register for the British Association meeting via the BSHS 
Executive Secretary, using this form.  Registration will entitle 
delegates to attend any of the sessions within the British 
Association programme, in addition to the anniversary conference 
organised by the BSHS. 
The British Association has agreed to extend to members of the BSHS 
the concessionary rates available to members of the British 
Association.  Anyone wishing to join the BSHS should complete the 
appropriate section of this form. 
The form should be returned as soon as possible to: 
BSHS Executive Secretary        Tel & Fax: +44 (0) 1367 718963 
31 High Street 
Stanford in the Vale 
SN7 8LH 
PROF/DR/MR/MS/OTHER please specify 
POSTCODE                                         DAYTIME TEL. NO. 
Please state your name and affiliation as you wish it to appear on 
your badge.  This may be collected from the Registration Desk upon 
arrival at the BAAS festival.  N.B. maximum 24 characters each, 
including spaces and dots. 
                                        stlg       stlg 
                                        Weekly Daily 
MEMBER OF THE BSHS                      70      18 
NON-MEMBER                              120     30 
STUDENT                                 30      10 
Accommodation details and booking form will be sent upon receipt of 
registration.  No registration will be confirmed until the full 
amount is received.  Substitutions may be made at any time but no 
cancellations will be refunded after 11 August 1997.  Postal 
registration must be received by 27 August 1997, although 
registration may take place at the festival itself. 
Non-member _____ (tick if appropriate) 
Student ________ (tick if appropriate) 
Days attending:  M T W Th F (Circle as appropriate) 
Total fee: _________ 
Please send me an accommodation booking form ___ (tick if 
The anniversary dinner will be held in the new Royal Armouries 
Museum, Leeds, on the evening of Tuesday, 9 September 1997.  Guests 
of honour include most of the surviving presidents of the society. 
Please tick the appropriate box. 
____    I wish to attend the anniversary dinner and enclose full 
        payment of stlg25. 
____    I wish to attend the anniversary dinner and enclose payment at 
        the student rate of stlg17.50. 
During the anniversary year, the society is making a special offer to 
members of reductions on monographs.  In addition, members wishing to 
purchase a complete set of those monographs currently in print can do 
so for this year only at a reduction of 50%.  Monographs ordered on 
this form (enclosing remittance) will be ready for collection at the 
BSHS conference desk from Wednesday 10 September 1997.  Please tick 
the relevant boxes. 
___  The letters of Georges Cuvier: a summary calendar of the 
manuscript and printed materials preserved in Europe, the United 
States of America, and Australasia.  Edited by Dorinda Outram.  1980. 
 stlg3.50 reduced to stlg3.00 
___  Rationality and ritual: the Windscale inquiry and nuclear 
decisions in Britain.  By Brian Wynne.  1982.  stlg5.00 reduced to stlg3.50 
___  The Royal Society and its fellows, 1660-1700: the morphology of 
an early scientific institution.  By Michael Hunter. 2d ed. 1994. 
stlg8.00 reduced to stlg6.00 
___  Francis Bacon's natural philosophy: a new source. By Graham Rees 
assisted by Christopher Upton.  1984.  stlg5.60 reduced to stlg4.00 
___  Archives of the British chemical industry, 1750-1914: a 
handlist.  By Peter J.T. Morris and Colin A. Russell.  1988.  stlg9.00 
reduced to stlg6.50 
___  Index to the scientific correspondence of John William 
Dawson. By Susan Sheets-Pyenson.  1992.  stlg12.00 reduced to stlg9.00 
___  Science and nature: essays in the history of the 
environmental sciences.  Edited by Michael Shortland.  1993.  stlg8.00 
reduced to stlg6.00 
___  In the shadow of Lavoisier: the "Annales de Chimie" and the 
establishment of a new science.  By Maurice Crosland.  1994.  stlg7.50 
reduced to stlg6.00 
___  E. Ray Lankester and the making of modern British biology.  By J. 
Lester (ed. P. J. Bowler).  1996.  stlg7.50 reduced to stlg6.00 
___  Full set of monographs 2-10. Reduced to stlg33.00 (normal price 
to members stlg66.10) 
___  TOTAL (please carry forward) 
The society has had a limited edition mug produced to mark its 
anniversary.  The prize-winning mug design was selected from those 
submitted by students of design at Teesside University, and features 
historical images of Galileo, Newton, Darwin and Einstein.  Demand 
for the mug is expected to be keen, and those interested are advised 
to order early.  Mugs ordered on this form (enclosing remittance) 
will be ready for collection at the BSHS conference desk. 
I wish to order _____  mugs @ stlg1.50 
___ I wish to join the BSHS and enclose payment at the introductory 
rate of stlg20 (please tick). 
___ I wish to join the BSHS and enclose payment at the student rate 
of stlg12 (please tick). 
                                Cost                Your choice 
BAAS festival registration      [carried over]      __________ 
Conference dinner (full rate)   stlg25                 __________ 
            (student rate)      stlg17.50 
Monographs                      [carried over]      __________ 
Mugs                            @ stlg1.50             __________ 
BSHS Membership 
-introductory offer:            stlg20 
-student rate (student 
status must be verified)        stlg12                 __________ 
TOTAL                                               __________ 
___ I enclose a cheque payable to "British Society for the History of 
___ Please charge my VISA, MASTERCARD, or EUROCARD. 
Expiry date        /         Card number 
Signature                                    Print name and address 
of card holder (if different from contact name and address) 
Enquiries re registration to: 
Wing-Commander Geoffrey Bennett on [log in to unmask] 
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