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[log in to unmask] (Kevin Hoover)
Mon Apr 30 16:50:50 2007
<[log in to unmask]> <[log in to unmask]> <000f01c78b59$3a925fd0$34417e86@H3245FL3XN41>
text/plain (31 lines)
Barkley Rosser wrote:
> I would like to see a definite cite/quote from Frisch on this.  

I can't help Barkley Rosser on the original Frisch quotation, having 
myself relied on secondary sources. 

He also asks for the first non-hyphenated use.  The first JSTOR entry 
without a hyphen for "macroeconomics" is Lawrence R. Klein, 
"Macroeconomics and the Theory of Rational Behavior,"  /Econometrica 
/14(2), April 1946, pp. 93-108.   The oldest JSTOR entry for 
"macroeconomic" without a hyphen is Harold L. Reed's Review of Arthur W. 
Marget's /The Theory of Prices/ in /American Economic Review /32(3, part 
1), September 1942, pp. 561-564.  

For "microeconomics" sans hyphen, JSTOR's oldest is Martin 
Bronfenbrenner, "The Role of Money in Equilibrium Capital Theory," 
/Econometrica/ 11(1), January 1943, pp. 35-60. ** 
Reed again the same 1942 review is also the oldest use of 
"microeconomic" without a hyphen in JSTOR.

I am not sure, however, why we should give much significance to the 
presence or not of the hyphen.  Both versions are still in use and, I 
suspect, don't reflect anything very significant historically.

Kevin Hoover