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Fri Mar 31 17:18:18 2006
[log in to unmask] (Ross B. Emmett)
text/plain (108 lines)
================= HES POSTING ================= 
This message arrived while I was recently away. 
Date:          Tue, 23 Apr 1996 11:30:33 -0500 (CDT) 
From:          [log in to unmask] Subject:       Rethinking Marxism conference 
Rethinking MARXISM announces an International Conference .... 
December 5--8 (Thursday--Sunday), 1996 
University of Massachusetts at Amherst 
Call for Papers and Session Proposals 
Join with Jack Amariglio, Etienne Balibar, Wendy Brown, Judith Butler, 
Joseph Buttigieg, Gregory Elliott, Ann Ferguson, Martha Gimenez, Julie 
Graham, Sandra Harding, Barbara Harlow, David Harvey, Frigga Haug, Wolfgang 
Haug, Wahneema Lubiano, Robbie McCauley, Warren Montag, Richard Ohmann, 
Andrew Parker, Cindy Patton, Stephen Resnick, E. San Juan, Paul Smith, 
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Michael Sprinker, Cornel West, Richard Wolff, 
and hundreds of others. . . 
For further information, see our new web site: 
PURPOSE: The editors of Rethinking MARXISM announce the third in the series 
of international conferences. The first two conferences, attended by over 
one thousand persons each, brought together under a common tent many 
different voices of the Left from around the world. "Marxism Now: 
Traditions and Difference," held in 1989, created a forum where new, 
heterogeneous directions in Marxism and the Left could be debated after the 
end of orthodox uniformity.  In 1992, the conference "Marxism in the New  
World Order: Crises and Possibilities" confronted directly the 
challenges--theoretical, organizational, and spiritual--which face the Left 
and Marxism as the millennium nears. 
The editors of Rethinking MARXISM intend this third conference on the 
"Politics and Languages of Contemporary Marxism" to open new and creative 
spaces for political, cultural and scholarly interventions.  The global 
restructuring of social relations now taking place (which some call a new 
offensive of "capital"), and the accompanying new crises and forms of 
resistance that, in a more or less systemic way, affect the lives of people 
the world over, require a strategy of cooperative dialogue between and 
among diverse Marxian and other communities of struggle.  It is in the 
dialectics of these varied notions and forms of community, and in the 
struggles to wrestle them from the hegemony of bourgeois discourse, that 
the future of Marxism lies.  The purpose of "Politics and Languages of 
Contemporary Marxism" is both to continue the ongoing dialogue among all 
already existing Marxisms and to nurture the development of new visions of 
community that will serve our shared hopes for a more ethical and 
uncompromisingly humane world. 
STRUCTURE:  The conference will be held over four days, beginning  at noon 
on Thursday, December 5 and ending in early afternoon on Sunday, December 
8.  There will be concurrent sessions, art/cultural events, and plenaries  
throughout the conference.  We invite the submission of sessions that 
follow non traditional formats and are open to dialogue among and between 
presenters and audience, such as workshops and roundtables. We encourage 
those working in areas which intersect with Marxism such as feminism, 
cultural and literary studies, queer theory, postcolonial studies, and 
around the issues of race and ethnicity, to submit paper and panel 
proposals.  We also encourage the submission of papers and sessions with 
all forms of artistic and literary modes of meaning. The plenary sessions 
will be interspersed throughout the conference and each plenary session 
will be limited to no more than two speakers. 
SPONSORSHIP:    The conference is sponsored by Rethinking MARXISM:  a 
journal of economics, culture, and society. 
LOGISTICS:  The Conference will be held on the campus of the University of 
Massachusetts at Amherst. Detailed information on hotel accommodations and 
travel directions will be provided to all conference registrants. 
PUBLICATIONS: Selected papers, poems, and other forms of presentation from 
the conference will be published in Rethinking MARXISM and/or in a separate 
edited volume of contributions.  
REGISTRATION:  Registration fees will be as follows.  All conference 
participants will be required to register. 
                        Preregistration         On Site 
                        regular/low-income      regular/low-income       
Full conference         $50/$30                 $60/$40 
two days                $40/$25                 $45/$30 
one day                 $25/$15                 $30/$15 
SUBMISSION PROPOSALS:  Send submission proposals to:  Stephen Cullenberg, 
Department of Economics, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521, 
Fax:  (909) 787-5685.  Email:  [log in to unmask] 
The deadline for submission proposals is August 15, 1996.  
============ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ============ 
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