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Fri Mar 31 17:19:07 2006
[log in to unmask] (Paul Wendt (SAR))
text/plain (73 lines)
========================== HES POSTING =============== 
Kress Seminar 
Paul Wendt  
64 Riverside St #3  
Watertown, MA 02172-2652  
    tel: 617-926-8253  
    email: [log in to unmask]  
                                        30 Oct 1996  
Kress seminar participants,  
Our next seminar is Thursday, 7 Nov, 7:40-10 pm, in Littauer M16 on the 
Harvard University campus.  We feature one paper and two discussants: 
    Richard Ebeling (Hillsdale C) 
        Expectations and Expectations Formation in Ludwig von Mises's  
        Theory of the Market Process 
        Mark Tomass (Babson C) 
        Roger Koppl (Fairleigh-Dickinson U) 
RICHARD EBELING is now in Russia and is coming back to the states the day  
before he travels on to Boston (no paper in advance).  He has an 
interesting intrepretation of the Austrian school view of expectations.  
He is extremely critical of rational expectations and the like and offers 
an opposing point of view.   
    While many students of Austrian economics read early Mises and Hayek, 
Ebeling puts his finger on several later works by Mises, such as __Theory 
and History__ because it represents an advance over the Verstehen school 
["understanding"--PW] ideas of the 1920 and also the typological thinking 
of Max Weber and others.  How these insights come to be filtered and 
altered in Mises's thinking is a genuinely novel and interesting subject 
for a lecture.   
    For those who do not know Richard Ebeling or his work, what better way 
than over good food and conversation? 
                                        ---- Laurence Moss, Babson College 
    Anyone interested in dinner and conversation before the seminar is 
    invited to gather at the Singha House Thai restaurant (1105 Mass. Ave) 
    at 6:00.  The food is great, matched only by the company.  The Singha 
    House is prepared to handle late additions to a party (to about 6:30 
    for dinner or 7:00 for appetizer or drink, given our time constraint). 
I hope to see you Thursday,  
----Paul                    [imagine my signature here, P/\/\/\/\t] 
   KRESS NEWSLETTER, 30 Oct 96  (this space may be yours; contact me) 
Next session, 21 Nov 96 
Yngve Ramstad (URI) will speak on the influence of social psychology and 
John Dewey in early 20th century American economics.  Details TBA.  
[. . . remainder of newsletter deleted . . .] 
----Paul Wendt 
    Coordinator, Kress Seminar in HEcTh 
============ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ============ 
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