The Mark Twain Forum needs a reviewer for the following book:
_Mark Twain's San Francisco_. Edited with a new introduction by Bernard
Taper. Heyday Books. Berkeley, 2003. Pp. 264. Black and white
illustrations, 6 x 9. Softcover. $14.95. ISBN 1-890771-69-4.
This book is from the California Legacy series and is reprint of the
edition first issued in 1963. Taper has revised the introduction. The
publisher's web page for the book is:
The review would be due within two months of your receipt of the book -
around mid-February. The deadline is particularly important. In all
fairness to publishers and authors, if you are inclined to procrastinate,
or have difficulty meeting deadlines, please do not offer to review this book.
If you're interested in writing this review, please contact me via email.
Barbara Schmidt
Book review editor, Mark Twain Forum
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