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Fri Mar 31 17:18:21 2006
[log in to unmask] (Ross B. Emmett)
text/plain (64 lines)
                              YORK -- TORONTO 
                              JOINT WORKSHOP 
                                  in the 
                           HISTORY OF ECONOMICS 
                                 FALL 1995 
Tnis seminar covers all aspects of, and approaches to, the 
history of economic thought and methodology. Students and faculty 
are welcome. 
Date           Speaker             Topic 
September 21   Anthony Waterman    "Why Keynes Thought That Paley 
               Economics,          was The First of The Cambridge 
               University of       Economists" 
October 5      David Laidler       "Monetarism circa 1970: The 
               Economics,          View From 1994" 
               University of  
               Western Ontario 
October 19     Allan Hynes         "The Emergence of The Neo- 
               Economics           Classical Production Function, 
               University of       1940 - 1952" 
November 9     Evelyn Forget       "True Ideology and other Lies: 
               Economics,          Reading J.B. Say in Context" 
               University of 
November 23    lngrid Peters-      Influence and Evolution in 
               Fransen             Adam Smith's Thought" 
               Wilfrid Laurier 
December 7     Philippe Fontaine   "Identification and Economic 
               Economics,          Behaviour: Self-love, Sympathy 
               University of       and Empathy in Historical 
               Antilles-Guyane     Perspective" 
All meetings will take place on Thursdays, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Rm. 123 
Woodsworth's College, 119 St. George Street, University of 
For further information, or if you would like to talk to the 
speakers during their visits (e.g., at dinner), please contact: 
Samuel Hollander, Department of Economics, University of Toronto, 
tel: (416) 978-5105, or Margaret Schahas, York University, by 
e-mail: [log in to unmask] 
Ross B. Emmett, Augustana University College, Camrose, Alberta 
CANADA   T4V 2R3   voice: (403) 679-1517   fax: (403) 679-1129 
e-mail: [log in to unmask]  or  [log in to unmask]