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Fri Mar 31 17:18:27 2006
[log in to unmask] (Ross Emmett)
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----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Remembering Don Lavoie (1951-2001): A Student's Perspective· 
Remarks read by Peter J. Boettke at a Memorial Service for Don Lavoie at 
Price Funeral Home in Manassas, Virginia on Friday November 9, 2001. 
Don Lavoie was my professor and friend. From the day I entered graduate 
school until the day I left, Don worked extremely closely with me. I came 
to GMU to specifically study with Don and my experience exceeded all my 
expectations.  After Roy Cordato and Karen Palasek advanced in their 
studies, I was asked to work with Don on the Center for the Study of Market 
Processes publication, Market Process, as the managing editor. At the time, 
Market Process, was the only regular publication devoted exclusively to 
Austrian economics --- it was a dream come true for me to work with Don on 
this publication. 
My good friends David Prychitko and Steve Horwitz also came to GMU to study 
with Don and he also served as their professor and friend. The three of us 
were basically inseparable during graduate school, and we were always in 
Don's office, going to lunch with him, or dinner on the night of classes, 
or reading groups he formed, or the colloquium he directed. He never once 
told us to leave him alone, nor did he ever make us feel that we were 
impeding his work.  Instead he always welcomed us and in fact made us feel 
that we were contributing in immeasurable ways to his work. I never 
realized how much time and effort he invested in us until I became a 
professor myself. 
Don accomplished two things as a mentor to graduate students --- he 
stressed the values and vital importance of scholarship, and he made 
graduate school an extremely enjoyable experience. The four years I spent 
at GMU in the mid 1980s have been the most intellectual amazing years of my 
professional career. David Prychitko and I have tried to capture that 
moment in time in our introduction to The Market Process. Throughout my 
professional career I have been looking to recreate the experience I had at 
the Center for the Study of Market Processes ever since and while I view my 
career to date as somewhat charmed, nothing has come close, not NYU, not 
Hoover, and not even GMU today. A lot was going on at GMU from 1984-1988, 
but to his students Don was the center of activities. The publication in 
1985 of both Rivalry and Central Planning and National Economic Planning 
signaled to the economics profession that the modern Austrian school 
represented a progressive research program in political economy and that 
Don Lavoie was a leading contributor to that research program. We students 
regaled in the recognition that our professor was receiving 
internationally. Janos Kornai, Robert Heilbroner, and Thomas Bottomore all 
hailed Don's Rivalry and Central Planning as the work that shifted the 
terms of the debate in comparative economic systems. If Mises had Hayek as 
his shining student, Kirzner had Lavoie and the new Austrian school was 
ready to ascend within the ranks of the profession --- at least that is how 
we understood things in the mid to late 1980s. 
But Don's intellectual contributions are not what I want to emphasize 
today. Those here today who have read his work and studied with him know 
full-well the lasting scholarly contributions Don made in his career. But 
for those of us who called him their teacher, he touched us in ways beyond 
his written work. He was a man who loved ideas and the life of the mind. 
Don was the first person I ever met who truly loved books. I vividly 
remember him standing in front of my graduate course in Austrian Economics 
and holding up Human Action and explaining how this book transformed his 
life for the better. From Don I learned how to read, truly read a book, and 
not just turn the pages. From Don I learned how to write - this was a 
painful lesson as his red pen tended to cover entire pages of my papers and 
then chapters from my dissertation. From Don I learned how to interact with 
others in a scholarly manner and engage opposing points of view. I take 
great pride in the fact that I published in the journal RE-THINKING MARXISM 
well before I ever published in THE REVIEW OF AUSTRIAN ECONOMICS - this was 
because of Don 's influence. From Don I learned that a firm commitment to 
one's convictions did not imply taking a dogmatic stance. In fact, the 
dogmatic stance undermines the advancement of those convictions in the end. 
We shouldn't just talk to those who already agree with us, but instead 
address our arguments to those who remain unpersuaded by our efforts even 
though they are honestly trying to figure out our position. Key to Don's 
teachings was that hope for a better world lies in the dialogue of 
scholarship. In fact, I like to think of Don's overarching contribution as 
one of making the case for a dialogical model of libertarian scholarship. 
Don's passion for learning was evident in the way he read and discussed 
ideas ranging from technical issues in economics to broad topics in social 
theory to practical problems in public policy. Don was an intellectual 
radical in the deepest meaning of that term - a desire to get at the root 
cause of social ills, understand them, and work to eradicate them. 
Don loved the beautiful things in life - an avid photographer and lover of 
music. I remember sitting with him in an old church in Prague listening to 
a chamber orchestra and seeing him fully absorbed by the music (body and 
soul).  I remember him snapping picture after picture in Cannes, France at 
the Mont Pelerin Society Meetings as well as in Fairfax, Virginia. When in 
graduate school, I was taken back one semester when he suggested we spend 
our time reading a book of Roland Barthes on interpreting photographs 
rather than another work in economics or the philosophy of science. What 
does this have to do with why socialism failed and libertarianism offers 
hope I wondered? But Don understood that not all the important questions 
can be reduced to these two --- the world needs to be understood in all its 
Don loved his family. One of our most intimate conversations was earlier 
this fall when he was well enough to attend the weekly workshop and we went 
into my office after, closed the door, and spoke frankly about the events 
of September 11th. Don lovingly remembered eating at the Windows on the 
World with his wife Mary. He was always an optimist about the case for 
liberty, and was most interested in that case being made so the his 
children Jon, Marc and Gabby could live in a world of increasing freedom, 
peace and prosperity. Don stricken with illness, confronted with a 
terrorist assault on NYC and the escalation of militarization revealed his 
concern to me that our common cause had taken a set back, but he did not 
lose his optimism that liberty in the end will win out. Again, he found 
hope in the intellectual radicalism that drove his scholarly life. Don's 
love of his family centered his scholarly pursuits --- he was a man who 
lived to work, but his work never took away from his focus on family. 
For many years, wherever I traveled I was professionally defined as Don's 
student. This was true for Dave Prychitko as well. Whether we were at ISEC 
at Boston University, or in France, or Russia, or Germany. We were often, 
in fact, referred to as his "disciples." Young scholars trying to find 
their own way in the world will automatically recoil from such 
identification, and Dave and I were no different --- insisting on our own 
identities. But the truth is, that Dave and I were Don's students and still 
are. Everything I have worked on as a scholar can ultimately be traced back 
to questions that Don first put to me about the workings of an economic 
system and the appropriate methods of analysis for studying that system. 
This is true for Dave, Steve, Ralph Rector, Emily Chamlee-Wright, Howie 
Baetjer, Virgil Storr, and others who worked so closely with this wonderful 
teacher as his teaching career moved from economics into organization 
learning to public policy (including I am sure his current students such as 
Mark Gilbert, and the others in the cultural studies and public policy 
Don will forever be the guiding hand that prods me to be a better scholar 
and teacher.  I am so thankful for the opportunity that was afforded me to 
study and learn from him. I will miss him dearly, but will continue to 
strive to live up to the label - a Lavoie student. 
------------ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ------------ 
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