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Fri Mar 31 17:18:36 2006
[log in to unmask] (Gilles Dostaler)
text/plain (125 lines)
----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
10th Conference of the Association Charles Gide for the Study of 
Economic Thought 
History of Market Representations 
C.E.P.S.E., University Pierre Mendes-France, Grenoble 2, 
September 25th-27th, 2003 
Call for papers 
Over the last twenty years, the Market has come to the fore in terms of the 
representations of the ways in which the economy functions. In fact, it has 
become crucial to the organization of societies themselves. Global changes 
have given rise to new conceptions of the Market and have reinforced 
certain theories which place Market efficiency at the core of their 
analyses.  However, these developments have not clarified the ambiguity 
which lies behind the term "Market" (such as place, price determination 
mechanisms, process, etc.). All too often, economists are satisfied with 
this ambiguity and avoid indicating the notion of Market to which they are 
referring. A historical perspective can help us to rediscover foundations 
for relevant definitions and clear distinctions. 
Representations of the Market through time are present in most economic 
texts.  Nevertheless, even if the Market constitutes the point of reference 
for economic reflection, each theory or each "school" has its own 
particular conception. 
This is why the Association Charles Gide is calling for a conference which 
will focus on representations of the Market (or Markets), as well as their 
epistemology - from the Aristotelian tradition to Contemporary works, via 
the Scholastic, Pre-Classical, Classical, Socialist, Marginalist and 
Institutional Schools. 
The study of the multi-faceted nature of Market relationships can be 
carried out from the point of view of each of the human and social 
sciences. Thus, the theme of the conference is of interest to all those 
studying the social relationships in the societies defined as "market 
Scientific Committee: 
Richard Arena (University of Nice) 
Lluis Argeme (University of Barcelona) 
Arnaud Berthoud (University of Lille 1) 
Pascal Bridel (University of Lausanne) 
Jean Cartelier (University of Paris 10) 
Michel De Vroey (Catholic University of Louvain) 
Pierre Dockes (University of Lyon 2) 
Roger Frydman (University of Paris 10) 
Roger Guesnerie (College de France) 
Marco Guidi (University of Pisa) 
Michel Hollard (University of Grenoble 2) 
Heinz Kurz (University of Graz) 
Jerome Lallement (University of Paris 5) 
Antoin Murphy (Trinity College, Dublin) 
Marc Penin (University of Montpellier 1) 
Jean-Claude Perrot (University of Paris 1) 
Jean-Pierre Potier (University of Lyon 2) 
Philippe Steiner (University of Lille 3) 
Ramon Tortajada (University of Grenoble 2) 
Jan Van Daal (Erasmus University, Rotterdam) 
Organizing Committee: 
Michel Bellet (University of Saint-Etienne) 
Guy Bensimon (University of Grenoble 2) 
Arnaud Berthoud (University of Lille 1) 
Ragip Ege (University of Strasbourg 1) 
Jean-Pierre Potier (University of Lyon 2) 
Ramon Tortajada (University of Grenoble 2) 
Please send your proposals (1 -5 pages max.) to: 
Colloque "History of Market Representations" 
C.E.P.S.E. (Centre d'Etudes de la Pensee et des Systemes Economiques) 
Universite Pierre Mendes France, Grenoble II 
BP 47 
38040 Grenoble Cedex 9 
tel: (0) 4 76 82 55 96 
The deadline for the submission of proposals for papers is February 22nd, 
For any further information about the conference, please contact the 
Ramon Tortajada - E-mail: [log in to unmask] 
Guy Bensimon. - E-mail: [log in to unmask] 
</color></underline><bigger>The information related to the conference 
will be available on the following websites: 
C.E.P.S.E. website: 
Charles Gide Association website: 
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