The Society for the History of Japanese Economic Thought (SHJET)
The Second Local Meeting in AY2013
Date: October 12, Saturday, 15:00-18:15
Venue: Keio University, Mita Campus, Tokyo
Conference Room (Kaigishitsu),
4F South Building (Minami-kan)
TAKAHASHI Nobuko (Kokushikan University)
'The Establishment Mission and
the Appropriation of Profit of the 69th National Bank'
IKEO Aiko (Waseda University)
'AMANO Tameyuki and the Teachings of NINOMIYA Sontoku:
Bundo, Suijo, and Shiho as the Japanese Foundation of
Modern Economics'
(The presentations are given in Japanese.)
The Japanese announcement was released by the SHJET Secretariat.
We welcome anyone who is interested in the history of Japanese
economic thought. Please contact me if you have questions about
attending a meeting or presenting a paper (preferably in Japanese).
Aiko IKEO (on the board of directors)
The Society for the History of Japanese Economic Thought