>Hi, Michael. I may send out something to the list about your question,
>but wanted to touch bases one-to-one. Routledge (London) has sent
>me a questionnaire concerning the JHET, which they are considering
>publishing. They want to know what I think of it, what I think the
>market is or should be, etc. They sent along a copy of the Fall 1993
>issue, so maybe that was the last one published? Anyway, it seems to
>be in limbo but with prospects of starting up again if the market looks
>large enough to Routledge.
>Best regards,
>Geoff Gilbert
>"[log in to unmask]"
To all interested parties:
JHET is indeed alive and well. The editor is Donald Walker of Indiana
University, Indiana, Pennsylvania. It is the journal of the History of
Economics Society.
Warren Samuels>