It is with great pleasure that I inform you that the History of
Economic Thought Society of Australia (HETSA) website is now
open. We join therefore the American (HES) European (ESHET) and
Japanese HET communities in having our own exclusive website.
The HETSA website can be reached at
The web site has a number of stunning attractions. All 50 issues of
the History of Economics Review, bar the very first issue, can be
accessed from the electronic archive FREE.
As a gift to HET scholars around the world we are also allowing
access to the the last two issues of the HER. Usually the last few
issues of the HER are only accessible to members of HETSA and this
privilege will be restored after a period of time.
In the announcement page you can find details of the forthcoming 23rd
HETSA conference to be held at the University of Sydney in July. You
can also find details on the joining Hetsa on the web site which is a
very modest $50Us dollars,This entitles member to recieving the next
two issues of the HER and concessional conference registration fees.
Please put this new HETSA website down as one of your favourites!
Alex Millmow