__XIII Urrutia Elejalde Summer School on Economics and Philosophy (2010)__
"Learning from the Great Recession: Failures and New Directions in
Economic Theory and Policy"
A summer school organized by the University of the Basque Country and
the Urrutia Elejalde Foundation.
San Sebastián, July 14-16 (2009)
Director: Juan J. Dolado (UC3M & CEPR)
The 13th edition of the Urrutia Elejalde Summer School focuses on the
debate about the main failures behind the current big recession, as well
as on the lessons that could be drawn to design potential solutions
which improve the working of market economies in the future. In
particular, the school aims to discuss failures and new directions
related to the working of financial markets, coordination, regulation,
mechanism design, pay incentives, public policies, response of policy
makers to the crisis, and the state of macroeconomics (with specific
reference to equilibrium/disequilibrium, flexible/ rigid adjustment and
individualistic/ holistic behaviour). The regular course is structured
around central topics each one presented in one or two general talks,
followed by specific research papers on subjects related to the topic
and by a lively debate.
Preliminary list of speakers
Michele Boldrin (University Washington in Saint Louis), Jesús
Fernández-Villaverde (U. Pennsylvania), Alan Kirman (GREQAM, U.
Marseille), Joseph M. Ostroy (UCLA), John Roemer (Yale University), Juan
F. Rubio-Ramirez (Duke University), Gilles Saint-Paul (Toulouse), Rafael
Repullo (CEMFI)
Registration and grants
The organization offers a number of grants to cover registration fees
and/or accommodation expenses. Applications should include a short C.V.
and, in the case of graduate students, a letter of recommendation by at
least one professor.
Further information: