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Fri Mar 31 17:19:19 2006
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Published by EH.NET  (September 1998) 
Michael D. Bordo, Claudia Goldin, and Eugene N. White, editors, _The 
Defining Moment: The Great Depression and the American Economy in the 
Twentieth Century_.  An NBER Project Report.  Chicago: The University of 
Chicago Press, 1998.  xvi + 474 pp.  $60.00 (cloth).  ISBN: 0-226-06589-8 
(cloth), 0-226-06589-8 (paper). 
Reviewed for EH.NET by Louis P. Cain, Departments of Economics, Loyola 
University of Chicago and Northwestern University.  <[log in to unmask]> 
The "moment" is the Great Depression; what is being "defined" is public 
policy.  The editors have assembled twelve papers from a distinguished cast 
of authors who are closely associated with their subject.  The papers 
discuss almost all of the programs that persisted from the First and, 
particularly, the Second New Deals, but few of those that did not.  In 
their introduction, the editors discuss that this is potentially a 
controversial hypothesis, but most of the papers simply explain why they 
agree or disagree with the proposition, and some do find this was NOT a 
"defining moment."  Whether each reader ultimately accepts or rejects the 
hypothesis may be little more than a matter of definition. 
In any event, each of the papers makes a substantial contribution to our 
understanding of the depression.  Most will be widely cited.  Many readers, 
including undergraduates, will want to consult the volume for more than one 
paper.  Thus, in the interest of disclosure, a thumbnail sketch of each of 
the papers is appropriate.  These brief synopses emphasize the relation of 
each paper to the volume's general theme.  Each contains much more. 
The collection is divided into four sections of three papers each.  The 
first is entitled "The Birth of Activist Macroeconomic Policy."  Charles 
Calomiris and David Wheelock ask whether the substantial changes in the 
monetary environment of the 1930s had lasting effects?  Those familiar with 
Wheelock's work will not be surprised to note they find little change in 
the thinking of the Federal Reserve System.  One effect of the New Deal 
banking laws was to shift power from the Fed toward the Treasury, a shift 
they feel imparted an inflationary bias, especially when conjoined with the 
more activist approach to policy that was undertaken concurrently.  The 
most important legacy of the depression was the departure from gold 
creating "the permanent absence of a 'nominal anchor' for the dollar" (63). 
The Bretton Woods dollar system allowed the Fed to "stumble" into the 
inflation of the 1960s, and the continued absence of something like the 
gold standard "provides an enduring legacy of uncertainty" (63) as to 
monetary policy in the long run. 
Brad De Long notes that the U.S. did not have a fiscal policy in the 
contemporary sense of the term before the Great Depression.  It borrowed 
heavily during periods of war and tried to redeem the debt as quickly as 
possible during periods of peace.  Government deficits in peacetime were 
rare until the 1930s, when they proved unavoidable despite the fiscal 
conservatism of both Hoover and FDR.  Yet, even before Keynes, there was an 
understanding that "deficits in time of recession helped alleviate the 
downturn" (83).  After the second World War, a fiscal policy consensus 
emerged that De Long characterizes as: "set tax rates and expenditure plans 
so that the high-employment budget would be in surplus, but do not take any 
steps to neutralize automatic stabilizers set in motion by recession" (84). 
That consensus proved hard to maintain: "The U.S. government simply lacks 
the knowledge to design and the institutional capacity to exercise 
discretionary fiscal policy in response to any macroeconomic cycle of 
shorter duration that the Great Depression itself" (82).  What has 
persisted is the willingness to adopt a fiscal policy stance that imposes a 
cost -- perhaps higher than necessary (higher inflation, lower saving and 
productivity) -- to insure that there is no return to Depression-era 
Deposit insurance, the topic of Eugene White's essay, was a result of the 
Depression and is generally considered to be one of its great successes. 
Banks became a scapegoat, and the restrictions placed on the banking 
business diverted part of what they once did to other parts of the 
financial sector.  Banking became smaller than it might have been.  Deposit 
insurance was an attempt to insure the banking system did not fail again. 
White attempts to estimate bank failures under the assumption that deposit 
insurance was not adopted.  He finds that a stronger, larger banking system 
would have resulted in lower failure rates and higher recovery rates. 
Thus, it is possible the FDIC increased bank losses.  A more important 
outcome is that the FDIC changed the distribution of losses.  The cost of 
those losses is now "distributed to all depositors and hidden in the premia 
levied on banks" (119).  Thus, even if losses increased, they were unseen 
by individual depositors, with the result that a marginal institution 
remains extremely popular. 
The second part, "Expanding Government," begins with a paper by 
Hugh Rockoff on the expansion of the government sector, largely as a 
result of a large number of new federal programs.  As Rockoff notes, 
"it is easy to see that there was an ideological shift ... it is harder to 
see what produced it" (125).  This ingenious article looks back at 
the publications of economists in the 1920s and earlier and finds there 
were champions for almost all of the New Deal programs.  Curiously, one 
of the programs economists did not endorse, one measure that FDR did 
not champion, was deposit insurance. When the Depression came and 
the economic doctors were called, microeconomists had what they 
considered successful prescriptions.  Some part of that must have been 
conditioned by the role of the government in World War I.  But another 
part is something that Rockoff does not discuss, and it surely is one 
of the factors producing an ideological change within the profession. 
Even before the Great Depression, the competitive paradigm 
was under attack.  The merger movement at the turn of the century called 
into question the assumptions of constant returns to scale and easy entry 
and exit.  The emergence of a consumer society called into question the 
assumption of homogeneous products.  Robinson and Chamberlin's 
models are independent of the Depression, and what impact they would 
have had in the absence of the Depression is unclear.  It is clear that 
FDR came into the White House with a mandate to do something, and the 
economic doctors had a long list of things to try, things that had been 
used successfully elsewhere. 
John Wallis and Wallace Oates argue persuasively that the New Deal had a 
profound effect on the nature of American federalism through its use of a 
little used fiscal instrument -- intergovernmental grants.  Before the 
Depression, different levels of government operated with a much greater 
degree of independence than they would thereafter.  Intergovernmental 
grants created the necessity for cooperation that has characterized the 
fiscal federalism ever since; "fiscal centralization and administrative 
decentralization" (170).  They argue that the new structure was conducive 
to the growth of government.  Like Rockoff, they note the growth of the 
federal government did not come at the expense of state and local 
governments; both grew.  They show how this new pattern was "the result of 
the struggle between state and national governments, and also between the 
president and Congress, for control over these programs" (178).  How much 
of this has to do with a states rights' bias in the legislative and 
judicial branches, and how much with the depression itself, is uncertain. 
Gary Libecap examines the regulatory laws effecting agriculture between 
1884 and 1970 and the budgetary expenditures that were derived from those 
laws between 1905 and 1970.  His contention is that "the New Deal increased 
the amount and breadth of agricultural regulation in the economy and ... 
shifted it from providing public goods and transfers to controlling 
supplies and directing government purchases to raise prices" (182). 
Acreage restrictions and government purchases were the most apparent of 
what he terms, "unprecedented, peacetime government intervention into 
agricultural markets" (216).  Abstracting from those policies, Libecap asks 
what agricultural policy might have been in the absence of the Depression. 
He believes it would have been more like it had been, but that is the 
result of an exercise in which he subtracts laws passed after 1939 with a 
direct link to "key New Deal statutes."  One wonders how many any of those 
statutes would have been passed in any event; some represent ideas that 
predate the depression. 
In the first paper of Section III, "Insuring Households and Workers," 
Katherine Baicker, Claudia Goldin, and Lawrence Katz note that there are 
three differences between the system of unemployment compensation in the 
U.S. and elsewhere:  experience rating, a federal-state structure, and 
limitations on benefit duration.  The question they address is how that 
system would have been different had it not been created during the New 
Deal.  There is an implicit assumption the U.S. ultimately would have 
adopted some form of unemployment compensation in the absence of the 
Depression.  To how many other New Deal programs is this assumption 
relevant?  The authors point to the federal-state structure as the key 
difference.  Their counterfactual system is strictly a federal system with 
no experience rating, a system consistent with the administration's 
recommendation.  We got the system we did because, "The federal-state 
structure and the manner in which the states were induced to adopt their 
own UI legislation assured passage of the act and guaranteed its 
constitutionality" (261).  They criticize the system for not having 
"changed with the times," but that is no surprise after reading Wallis and 
While most people look to the labor legislation of the 1930s as "a defining 
moment," Richard Freeman argues that to be defining an event must "lock in 
certain outcomes that persist ... when, given a blank slate, society could 
have developed something very different" (287).  This test creates two 
interesting dichotomies in Freeman's story.  The first concerns the 
framework versus the results.  The legal framework for private sector labor 
relations has persisted, and Freeman considers that framework to be 
"outmoded."  On the other hand, the unionization attendant to the adoption 
of that framework "looks more like a diversion from American 
'exceptionalism' ... than a critical turning point in labor relations" 
(287).  The density of private sector unions today is similar to what it 
was just after the turn of this century; the voice of those unions in 
national political discourse is barely audible.  The second dichotomy 
concerns private versus public unions.  State regulation of the latter has 
resulted in a relatively stable environment in which collective bargaining 
proceeds with less confrontation, but that may be because public sector 
managers are not as accountable to the taxpayers as private sector managers 
are to the company's profits.  In sum, Freeman acknowledges that the 
framework in which labor relations takes places was defined during the 
Depression, but that was not a "defining moment" for labor relations. 
In their study of the creation and evolution of social security, Jeffrey 
Miron and David Weil do not examine the role the Great Depression might 
have played in the program's adoption.  Their emphasis is on the evolution 
of the program since its inception.  They find that "in a mechanical sense, 
there has been a surprising degree of continuity in social security since 
the end of the Great Depression" (320).  That is, there has been little 
change in what each of the parts does; it is clear the balance between them 
has changed and that change has had an impact on the economy.  As the 
population has aged, the balance between the old-age assistance component, 
the basic response to the depression, and the old-age and survivors 
insurance component has transformed what was an insurance program 
benefiting few to a transfer program benefiting many. 
Doug Irwin's paper on trade policy begins the final section, "International 
Perspectives."  Irwin shows that, during the 1930s, the locus of control of 
trade policy passed from the legislative to the executive 
branch of government largely as a result of "the depression as an 
_international_ phenomenon" (326).  Smoot-Hawley marked the end of 
the old approach.  By the end of the 1930s, the average tariff rate had 
decreased from over 50% to less than 40%.  In another ten years it would 
be below 15%.  While part of this change is attributable to trade policy, 
part should be attributable to fiscal policy (a return to the days of the 
Underwood tariff) as the federal income tax came to play a much larger 
role, especially in the 1940s.  Similarly, the Reciprocal Trade Agreements 
Act was passed during the depression, but it was not "institutionalized" 
until after World War II.  When, during the war, Republicans moved to 
seek congressional approval and to protect domestic firms competing 
with imports, it was clear that the policy changes of the 1930s would 
persist.  Then, after the war, "the new economic and political position of 
the United States in the world ... made a return to Smoot-Hawley 
virtually unthinkable" (350). 
The paper by Maurice Obstfeld and Alan Taylor is in many ways the most 
expansive in the volume.  They begin by investigating more than a century 
of data on capital mobility, then propose a framework in which both the 
downtrend initiated by the Great Depression and the uptrend of recent years 
can be understood.  The framework is a policy "trilemma" faced by all 
national policymakers: "the chosen macroeconomic policy regime can include 
at most two elements of the 'inconsistent trinity' of (i) full freedom of 
cross-border capital movements, (ii) a fixed exchange rate, and (iii) an 
independent monetary policy oriented toward domestic objectives" (354).  To 
the authors, the Great Depression was caused by subordinating the third 
element to the second.  Under the classic gold standard, monetary policy 
was concerned with exchange rate stability, not domestic employment, and 
capital mobility was facilitated.  The abandonment of gold led to a system 
"based on capital account restrictions and pegged but adjustable exchange 
rates, one whose very success ultimately led to increasingly unmanageable 
speculative flows and floating dollar exchange rates...." (397). 
The gold standard plays an equally prominent role in the paper by Michael 
Bordo and Barry Eichengreen.  To address the question of what the Great 
Depression meant for the international monetary system, they examine a 
counterfactual world without the Great Depression -- but with World War II 
and the Cold War.  They assume the gold standard would have persisted 
through the 1930s, been suspended during the war, and resumed in the early 
1950s.  Under these assumptions, "the depression interrupted but did not 
permanently alter the development of international monetary arrangements" 
(446).  The system that did develop in the U.S. was very different than the 
hypothesized one, but the factors that ultimately led to the collapse of 
the Bretton Woods arrangements would have caused the collapse of the gold 
standard -- and possibly at an earlier date.  Those factors include "the 
failure of the flow supply of gold to match the buoyant growth of the world 
economy and hence of government's demand for international reserves" (447). 
This, in turn, led to questions about U.S. official foreign liabilities and 
the gold convertibility of the dollar.  Bordo and Eichengreen believe that, 
in these circumstances, a floating system would have resulted leaving us 
with more or less what we have today.  If one accepts the "ifs" in their 
argument, the institutional structure that emerged in the wake of the Great 
Depression postponed the transition. 
This is a remarkable thought on which to end this volume.  Calomiris and 
Wheelock discuss the Fed's recent emphasis on price stability as a 
short-run policy concern as a "throwback."  Obstfeld and Taylor discuss the 
deregulation and recent growth of the financial sector as creating a 
barrier to the reimposition of capital controls.  Both discussions concern 
long-run adjustments the economy has made as a result of the abandonment of 
gold, but both would have taken place had there been no Great Depression if 
Bordo and Eichengreen are correct. 
The editors point to four common themes supporting the "defining moment" 
hypothesis (6).  "First, skepticism about the efficacy of government 
intervention withered as the public adopted the attitude that the 
government could 'get the job done' if the free market did not."  It is 
unquestionably the case that there was a loss of faith in the tenets of the 
competitive model.  While this faith was wavering among social scientists 
well before the depression, the general bewilderment of the 1930s created a 
search for someone who was willing to try anything.  To paraphrase the late 
John Hughes, before the Great Depression the federal government only knew 
how to spend money on rivers, harbors, and post offices.  As Rockoff 
documents, there were a number of other projects waiting in the wings. 
"Second, many innovations introduced by the New Deal were forms of social 
insurance."  While much of the First New Deal took the form of World War I 
programs modified for peacetime use, many of the Second New Deal programs 
were aimed at ameliorating specific types of suffering, particularly those 
where successful experiments had been tried elsewhere.  Some undoubtedly 
would have been adopted eventually; the depression meant they started 
earlier than otherwise would have been the case. 
"Third, the character of federalism moved from 'coordinate' to 
'cooperative' with extensive intergovernmental grants, giving greater 
influence to centralized government."  This change in form, it is argued, 
was necessary to get them through Congress and the Supreme Court, but that 
is not necessarily a result of the Great Depression; the states rights' 
bias was present much earlier. 
"Last, the conduct of economic policy ... changed to give more weight to 
employment targets and less to a stable price level and exchange rate." 
These changes in turn imparted what several authors refer to as a bias in 
favor of inflation, but, in a simple Phillips curve world, what developed 
was a bias against a return to the conditions of the 1930s.  To put it as 
simply as possible, those who lived through the Great Depression defined 
for policy-makers then and for their grandchildren today that all possible 
steps should be taken to avoid repeating the trauma. 
Louis P. Cain 
Departments of Economics 
Loyola University of Chicago and 
Northwestern University 
Louis Cain and the late Jonathan Hughes are the authors of _American 
Economic History_ published by Addison Wesley.  Cain's article with 
Dennis Meritt, Jr., "The Growing Commercialization of Zoos and Aquariums," 
appeared in the _Journal of Policy Analysis and Management_, Spring 1998. 
His article with Elyce Rotella, "Urbanization, Sanitation, and Mortality 
in the Progressive Era, 1899-1929," will appear in Gerard Kearns, W. 
Robert  Lee, Marie C. Nelson, and John Rogers, editors, _Improving the 
Public Health: Essays in Medical History_. 
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