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Fri Mar 31 17:19:13 2006
[log in to unmask] (Avi J. Cohen)
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----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
In partial response to Mat Forrester's question, here is my summary of  
the Knight-Boulding debate on capital theory. This was only one of  
many such debates Knight was having at the time -- others were with  
Hayek, Machlup, Kaldor, and Lange.   
Boulding, K. (1934) 
The Application of the Pure Theory of Population Change to the Theory of Capital 
Boulding, K. (1935) 
The Theory of a Single Investment 
Knight, F.H. (1935a) 
The Theory of Investment Once More: Mr. Boulding and the Austrians. 
Boulding, K.E. (1936a) 
Professor Knight's Capital Theory: A Note in Reply 
Boulding, K.E. (1936b) 
Time and Investment 
Boulding and Knight find agreement on many issues, but disagree over  
fundamental conceptions of capital. Boulding conceives of capital as  
heterogeneous physical inputs while Knight's capital consists of a  
perpetual fund of value. Knight (1935, 57) summarizes the debate by  
<Thus the basic issue is the old and familiar one of choice between two  
conceptions of capital.  In one view, it consists of "things" of limited  
life which are periodically worn out or used up and reproduced; in the  
other, it is a "fund" which is maintained intact though the things in  
which it is invested may come and go to any extent.>   
Boulding develops his conception of capital within a physical process  
of production in two articles. In the first, Boulding (1934) uses  
population theory to construct an analog for the average period of  
production. He treats the aggregate of goods as a heterogeneous  
population that is aggregated in dollars, then applies population theory  
where value of all goods is the stock, or population; inputs correspond  
to flow of births into the population; outputs correspond to flow of  
deaths out of population; and average period of production  
corresponds to average length of life. APP = total value capital/total  
money income per year.   
In the second, Boulding (1935), extends the profit-maximizing  
condition of marginal revenue equals marginal cost to incorporate <the  
element of time as an explicit variable of the problem>. Assuming  
perfect foresight, Boulding examines the complete history (revenues,  
costs, net revenues) of a single investment, <from the day of its  
inception to the day of its final liquidation> Given a physical  
production function which includes the period of production as a  
variable, the investor maximizes the internal rate of return over the life  
of the investment by choosing the optimal rates of input and period of  
production. The maximum rate of return is the rate of interest which  
makes, at any date, the present values of revenues (outputs) equal to  
the present value of costs (inputs).   
Knight agrees with much of what Boulding says [1], and makes no  
substantive rebuttal of the logic or details of the models. In a letter to  
Taussig (editor of the QJE), Knight (22 August 1935; B62 F7) says <I  
do think these articles of Boulding contain about the only really  
significant discussion of the capital problem I have seen in print which  
looks in the general direction of a production period theory, and that  
they ought to be discussed seriously>. Knight (1935, 57) accepts  
Boulding's model of a single investment as <mathematically correct>  
and < valid for a single investment if it is built up from zero and then  
completely disinvested in accord with know function of time>    
But Knight rejects the assumption of Boulding's models -- that capital  
goods have finite, physical life spans. With Knight's (1935, 57) belief in  
the perpetual or immortal nature of capital, he asserts that Boulding's  
<argument is not valid ... for ... capital which is not fully consumed at  
the end of some definite period, but is continuously maintained> This  
belief in the perpetual maintenance capital also leads Knight to reject  
Boulding's population analogy --  <Apart from concrete capital goods  
with a know life history, there is no possibility of finding any  
correspondence between "births" and "deaths," and no motive for  
attempting to do so> (1935, 59).   
Boulding (1936, 527) summarizes the debate, focusing on the same  
disagreement over fundamental conceptions of capital that Knight  
<For the "Austrian," capital is something which arises out of the  
physical productive process, because inputs ... precede outputs ...   
Capital is the fund necessary to bridge this gap in time ... and ... total  
capital depends directly on ... some "average period of production."   
Professor Knight, on the other hand, in rejecting the concept of a  
physical process of production, is forced to consider capital as a kind  
of self-subsistent factor of production, "essentially perpetual" in its  
nature ...  This view of capital seems to be possible as an abstraction,  
particularly in the theory of the stationary state, but it abstracts too  
much from the real peculiarities of capital to be wholly satisfactory as a  
general theory.>   
[1]     Knight and Boulding both reject the Austrian distinction between  
primary and secondary factors of production, and both recognize that  
compound interest complicates the measurement of the period of  
production so that there exists no simple relation between r and  
roundaboutness. Boulding is forthright about the limitations of the  
period of production -- that it is limited to stationary or steady-state  
equilibrium models, that it is <difficult or virtually impossible to  
measure> (1934, 664), and that the intertemporal aggregation of  
heterogeneous physical inputs in value terms is <makeshift>, <a device  
to express as a single figure what in fact has too many dimensions to  
be so expressed> (1936, 526-7). But he defends the concept as useful  
for providing an order of magnitude and points out that <We have  
exactly the same difficulties in connection with the concept of a price  
level; and though all measurements of price level are to some extent  
arbitrary, that fact does not prevent us from finding the concept useful  
within certain limits> (1935, 527-8).   
Boulding, K. (1934) The Application of the Pure Theory of Population  
Change to the Theory of Capital. QJE 48 (August): 645-666.    
Boulding, K. (1935) The Theory of a Single Investment. QJE 49 (May):  
Knight, F.H. (1935a) The Theory of Investment Once More: Mr.  
Boulding and the Austrians.  Quarterly Journal of Economics.  50  
(November): 36-67.   
Knight, F.H. (1935b) Letter of 22 August 1935 to F. Taussig. In Frank  
Knight Papers at the University of Chicago, B62, F7.    
Boulding, K.E. (1936a) Professor Knight's Capital Theory: A Note in  
Reply. Quarterly Journal of Economics.  50 (May): 524-31    
Boulding, K.E. (1936b) Time and Investment.  Economica (new  
supplement) 3 (May): 196-220.    
Avi J. Cohen 
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