Forum Members:
I'm happy to announce that several of my HTML versions of Mark Twain novels
have been improved and should now be much more useful to the web community.
My goal is to make the most readable and useful HTML versions of these works
on the web. I'm not a scholar, just a computer geek who loves Twain and wants
to share the enjoyment with others.
The works are:
Life on The Mississippi:
A Tramp Abroad:
The Innocents Abroad:
My "Mark Twain Library" Page with links to other works:
Any comments, suggestions, criticism, etc. will be most welcome. Also,
please let me know if you have e-text versions of Twain works that you would
like to see converted to HTML or hosted online. I've been writing quite a few
automated tools to make conversion easier.
Alan Eliasen | "You cannot help men permanently by
[log in to unmask] | doing for them what they could and | should do for themselves."
-- Abraham Lincoln