My apologies to the list if this source has already been posted. There
was an earlier thread on the meaning of richesse in 18th and 19th
century sources. I'm traveling with an older laptop computer without
the SHOE or HES e-mail store on it. On this computer I discovered a
.pdf file. A 2002 annotation of an 1831 text:
Walras, Auguste. 1831. De la nature de la richesse et de l’origine de
la valeur augmenté de notes inédites de Jean-Baptiste Say. Un document
produit en version numérique par Jean-Marie Tremblay, professeur de
sociologie au Cégep de Chicoutimi. Site web:
I have not checked to see if the web site is active or the source there
for download. I can send the .pdf off-list if anyone wants it.
The first chapter describes the nature of political economy and defines
richesse. My French is too old and rusty to get nuance but appears very
Best regards to all,
Scott Cullen