A Brazilian edition of Mark Twain’s anti-imperialist writings and other social
criticism is now available. The Postscript, which situates the book within
the history of translation and study of Twain’s writings in Brazil, is available
online at the publisher’s site at:
You can run several paragraphs at a time through online translation
services like AltaVista’s Babelfish (http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/)
to get a rough translation from the Portugese.
Here is the full publication information and contents list:
Patriotas e Traidores: Antiimperlialismo, politica e critica social
Edited, introduced and revised translation by Maria Silvia Betti, professor
of North American Literature, University of Sao Paulo
Translated by Paulo Cezar Castanheira
Published by Editora Fundacao Perseu Abramo, Sao Paulo
Contents List
Mark Twain: Uma Redescoberta Oportuna, by Maria Silvia Betti
Saudacao ao seculo XX
A volta do antiimperialista
A procissao estupenda
Patriotas a traidores: discurso em jantar do Lotos Club
Bem-vindo ao lar: discurso em jantar no Lotos Club
Para aquele que vive nas trevas
Os Estados Unidos do linchamento
Patriotismo monarquico a republicano
Progresso material e a gana do dinheiro: carta a Joseph H. Twichell
Carl Schurz, piloto
O verdadeiro patriotismo no teatro das criancas
As Ilhas Sandwich: depoimento de Mark Twain
As Ilhas Sandwich: conclusao do depoimento de Mark Twain
Nossos amigos selvagens das Ilhas Sandwich
Ao editor de Russia Livre
O soliloquio do czar
Russos sofredores
Republica russa
Africa do Sul
A mais digna das guerras: carta a Joseph H. Twichell
Recrutas para uma cruzada de crucifixao da liberdade: carta a William
James Lampton
Treinamento que funciona
A estupenda piada do seculo
A bandeira americana
Defesa do general Funston
Oracao da guerra
Vergonhosa perseguicao de um garoto
John Chinaman em Nova York
Aos meus criticos missionarios
China e Filipinas
Soliloquio do rei Leopoldo: a defesa do governo do Congo
Um erro original
Twain chama Leopoldo de assassino de 15 milhoes
So um negro
O Nobre Pele-Vermelha
A respeito dos judeus
Mulher-Uma opiniao
Conselho as mocas
Votos para as mulheres
A pequena Bessie auxilia a Providencia
A historia privada de uma campanha fracassada
O homem que corrompeu Hadleyburg
POSFACIO - Mark Twain No Brasil, by Maria Silvia Betti
Fontes Dos Textos Publicados
Indice Remissivo
This book provides an interesting glimpse of what might be done down the
road when more of Twain's writings are available online through the Mark
Twain Project's efforts to get the manuscripts online. Almost all of the texts
used for the translations published in the book are from my site with two
more from Barbara Schmidt's Twainquotes.com site, and only six coming
from various books and anthologies (Following the Equator, The Portable
Mark Twain, etc.) I think it's the most thoroughly Internet-based book I've
seen, and with its original translations, introduction, postcript, notes,
chronologies, etc., it's an excellent example of how online materials can be
used for original research worldwide. As the full archive becomes available
for research from anywhere in the world, the possible research projects will
be more or less endless.
That said, I'll add a reminder that year-end donations to support the Mark
Twain Project can be made online through its site at:
Jim Zwick
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