I express my sincere regrets for the passing away of Professor Victoria Chick. I feel particularly sad given that she was my external examiner of my Masters thesis at the University of Stirling, Scotland back in 1986 (under the supervision of Professor Sheila Dow). Her love and passion for scholarly research made an impression to me that I cannot forget. I believe that her chapter entitled “Should Equilibrium be Abandoned by Heterodox Economists?”, in Economic Methodology, History and Pluralism,- Essays in Honor of Sheila Dow - I. Negru and P. Hawkins (eds), London: Routledge Publishers, 2023, was probably her last published work. She will be greatly missed. -- Stavros A. Drakopoulos Professor of Economics National and Kapodistrian University of Athens [log in to unmask] webpage http://users.uoa.gr/~sdrakop/index.htm Tel. 0030-2107275545 Fax 0030-2107275530 research: http://ideas.repec.org/e/pdr23.html https://scholar.google.gr/citations?user=ZraEfqYAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao http://uoa.academia.edu/StavrosDrakopoulos/Papers https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Stavros_Drakopoulos http://scholar.uoa.gr/sdrakop/publications ORCID iD https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9884-9261