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[log in to unmask] (Ross B. Emmett)
Fri Mar 31 17:18:22 2006
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====================== HES POSTING ====================== 
Published by EH.NET  (August 1997) 
Michael Perelman, _The End of Economics_. London and New York: Routledge, 
1996.  $59.95 (cloth), ISBN: 0415137373. 
Reviewed for EH.NET by Anthony O'Brien, Department of Economics, Lehigh 
University.  <[log in to unmask]> 
     Michael Perelman's new book argues that there is a flaw in the working 
of the market system; a flaw that has caused problems in the past and that 
is likely to cause disaster in the future.  The result will be the 
inevitable end of economics and the beginning of a new system in which 
competition and the market system as we know it will no longer prevail. 
There are some good things in the book: Perelman tells his story clearly 
and directly, he has some interesting things to say about the last hundred 
years of macroeconomic history in the United States, and it is certainly 
easy to be sympathetic with his argument that neoclassical economics is 
sometimes disconnected from the workings of the real world.  But, overall 
the book is rather a  disappointment.  It could easily have been much 
better.  Perelman's thesis will strike most economists as implausible, but 
it is not indefensible.  Unfortunately, Perelman (Department of Economics, 
California State University, Chico) has allowed some avoidable roughness in 
his presentation to make his arguments appear even weaker than they are. 
This is Perelman's fifth book in fifteen years.  This book lacks a preface 
or acknowledgments, which makes me wonder how much feedback he received 
before it was published.   My guess is this would have been a better book 
if he had taken more time with it. 
     Perelman's basic idea is that economists have by and large failed to 
understand the enormous negative consequences for the workings of the 
market system of the increasing importance of fixed costs.  He believes 
that since the Civil War fixed costs have been a large fraction of all 
costs in many U.S. industries and that the importance of fixed costs 
continues to increase (although neither point is well documented).  In an 
industry with high fixed costs, what Perelman refers to as "unbridled 
competition" will result in disaster, because firms will find their prices 
will be driven to the level of marginal cost.  The substantial losses 
resulting from these low prices will eventually lead to widespread 
bankruptcy.  He believes that at least since the experiences of the 
railroads in the 1890s some non-mainstream economists and many businessmen 
have realized that competition has to be constrained in order for the 
market system to function.  Such constraints are all that has stood between 
the economy and disaster.  So, while essentially all mainstream economists 
act as if our economy is highly competitive -and build ever more elaborate 
models that assume the existence of competition- in fact, the economy is 
not very competitive and moves to make it more so run the risk of 
unleashing the consequences of increasing fixed costs. 
     There are several problems with Perelman's discussion of this thesis. 
He presents it in a rather off-putting polemical style, he commits a number 
of avoidable blunders with respect to theory and history, and, perhaps most 
disappointingly, he never deals with -- and gives the impression of perhaps 
not even being aware of -- the conventional responses to his main argument. 
     Perelman's style is a mixture of debatable obiter dicta and remarks 
that leave the unfortunate impression that he believes those who disagree 
with him are either stupid or sellouts.  The tenor of Perelman's style is 
indicated by a few excerpts: 
     [The government] creates a legal structure that gives business the 
     upper hand relative to labor.  When the economy falters, it increases 
     spending, often discovering imaginary threats that require more 
     military spending (p. 5). 
     Economics provides an ideological justification for atavistic methods 
     of providing for our economic and social needs.  It leads to economic 
     practices that create great harm to both people and the environment 
     (p. 8). 
     Graduates [of Ph.D. programs in economics] soon develop a professional 
     persona with a vested interest in not rocking the boat, recognizing 
     that, to launch a significant challenge to orthodox beliefs can lead 
     to professional ostracism....  Finding an academic job does not free 
     the young economist from the clutches of the corporate sector, since 
     grants is often an important consideration in the promotion 
     [E]conomics is not a science, but an ideology designed to defend 
     practices (pp. 23, 26, 29). 
     We live in an economy in which many corporations are large enough to 
     make decisions that threaten our welfare in obvious ways- spreading 
     toxic substances, selling dangerous products, or putting the health of 
     workers at risk.  Those public agencies, which are supposed to 
     protect us from corporate misconduct, seem thoroughly beholden to 
     those whom they are supposed to regulate (p. 111). 
     This kind of thing is pretty tiresome.  I don't believe the people at 
the EPA and OSHA are  "thoroughly beholden" to those they regulate, there 
may be academic economists defend the market system only so as to be able 
to make their next mortgage payment, but I've never met one, and so on. 
Writing in this way is counterproductive.  By about page 10 anyone who 
doesn't already believe the market system is bad is likely to stop reading, 
leaving Perelman to preach to the choir. 
     Perelman makes a number of statements that indicate there are 
significant gaps in his knowledge of the economic history and history of 
economic thought literatures.  For instance, how many economic historians 
still believe the old chestnut that the Civil War was an important 
watershed in the development of U.S. manufacturing? 
     During the war, the military created levels of demand that were 
     previously unknown, setting off an unprecedented economic boom. 
     Because the war drained off so much labor and grain prices were so 
     high, farmers invested heavily in labor saving devices, such as 
     reapers.  No doubt, other businesses followed a similar course. 
     Certainly, the railroad boom was part and parcel of this process (p. 
     How many economic historians believe the price deflation of the late 
nineteenth century was due to excessive competition, as Perelman apparently 
does (p. 59)?  How many historians of economic thought would buy the notion 
that marginal productivity theory was developed in an attempt "to cool the 
radical ardor of farmers and workers by crafting an abstract theory based 
on mathematical theorems that supposedly demonstrate that labor could do no 
better than to trust its fate to the market" (p. 77)? 
How many observers of the controversies in macroeconomics of the last forty 
years would call Milton Friedman a disciple of Leon Walras (p. 78)?  A key 
reason why Friedman has not been taken entirely seriously either by his 
Keynesian critics of the 1960s and 1970s or by his latter-day putative 
followers like Robert Lucas and Thomas Sargent is that he has declined to 
reduce his story to a neo-Walrasian model- the sine qua non of modern 
theoretical work.  These sorts of slips significantly undercut the 
authority of Perelman's presentation. 
     The biggest problem with the book is Perelman's failure to deal with 
or, in many cases, even to mention the arguments of the critics of the 
notion that high fixed costs lead to destructive competition.  Perelman 
discusses approvingly and at length the ideas of a group of late nineteenth 
century economists who became convinced that large fixed costs and excess 
capacity in the railroad industry meant that unbridled competition would be 
ruinous both there and in other industries with similar cost structures. 
The writings of these economists brought forth a number of critiques -- 
almost entirely unmentioned by Perelman -- that, for mainstream economists 
at any rate, were quite telling.  Perhaps the best known was Eliot Jones's 
1920 Quarterly Journal of Economics article, "Is Competition in Industry 
Ruinous?"  Many latter articles- and, for that matter, most industrial 
organization textbooks- have discussed the supposed evils of cutthroat 
competition and, by and large, have come to the conclusion that they are 
greatly exaggerated.  Now, these conventional arguments may be correct or 
incorrect, but surely Perelman needs to deal with them. 
     Finally, if the market system does not work well and can't be made to 
work well, what would Perelman replace it with?  He doesn't really say: 
     I do not pretend to offer some simple crackpot reform that will 
     magically solve all economic problems.  Instead, I intend to expose 
     economics as a pseudo-science that stands in the way of human 
     betterment in the hopes that we can develop new practices and better 
     institutions that will allow us to manage our lives in a more 
     satisfactory manner (p. 7). 
Unfortunately, the history of the twentieth century doesn't inspire much 
confidence that replacing market practices and institutions with non-market 
ones will lead to human betterment. 
Anthony O'Brien 
Department of Economics 
Lehigh University 
Anthony O'Brien is author of a number of articles-- all of which are 
entirely above criticism ;-).  These include "The Importance of Adjusting 
Production to Sales in the Early Automobile Industry," recently published 
in _Explorations in Economic History_ and (with Judy McDonald and Colleen 
Callahan) "Trade Wars:  The Canadian Reaction to the Smoot-Hawley Tariff" 
forthcoming in the _Journal of Economic History_. 
Copyright (c) 1997 by EH.Net and H-Net, all rights reserved.  This work may 
be copied for non-profit educational use if proper credit is given to the 
author and the list.  For other permission, please contact 
[log in to unmask] (Robert Whaples, Book Review Editor, EH.Net. 
Telephone: 910-758-4916. Fax: 910-758-6028.) 
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