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-- Hayek 100th Events & Exhibits --
May 8th, 1999 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Friedrich Hayek.
A number of Universities and organizations have planned events and exhibits
to mark this occasion, including the following:
The Estonian Business School & the Estonian Hayek Club have organized a
seminar in honor of the 100th anniversary of Hayek's birth. Participants
include: Mart Laar, Estonian Prime Minister & leader of the Pro patria
Party; Siim Kallas, Estonian Minister of Finance & leader of the Reform
Party; and Prof. Uno Mereste, member of Parliament & Vice-President of
the Bank of Estonia. For details contact Kalev Kallemets
([log in to unmask]).
To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Friedrich Hayek, the
Academia de Centro Amrica (Central American Academy), a non profit
liberal think thank, in conjunction with the Universidad Autnoma de
Centro Amrica (Central American Autonomous University: UACA) will host a
lecture session honoring Hayek. The speakers will be Dr. Alberto Di
Mare, former Chancellor of the UACA, with "Conceptos esenciales del
pensamiento de Hayek," ("Essential concepts of Hayek's thought") and Dr.
Jorge Corrales, General Under Comptroller of the Republic and Professor
at both the University of Costa Rica and the UACA, with "A 100 Aos del
Nacimiento de Hayek" ("At a 100 years of Hayek's birth"). The
celebration will be held at the Auditorium of the UACA on April 28, 1999.
The University Library of the University of Vienna is presenting an
exhibition on F.A. Hayek to mark the 100th Anniversary of his birth. The
title is: "Friedrich August von Hayek - Was ein einzelner gegen den
Zeitgeist vermochte". The exhibition runs May 3 thru May 15, 1999. The
exhibit will then move to the Austrian Academy of Science (where Hayek
was a member) for several more weeks. The exhibition contains books,
photographs, letters, and other documents. Highlights: documents from
Austrian archives; translations in Chinese, Hebrew, and other languages;
and (copies of) documents from the private collection of F. A. Hayek's
son, Laurence Hayek. The exhibition will open May 3rd with a talk by
Professor Streissler (U. of Vienna economics department). Contact Josef
Friedl, ([log in to unmask]) Fachbibliothek f.
Wirtschaftswissenschaften u. Politikwissenschaft, Wien. Tel.:
On May 6th, 1999 the Department of Economics at the University of
Freiburg will celebrate "Hayek-Tag". There will be presentations by
Manfred Streit, James Buchanan and Douglass North. Public Programme:
14.30: Opening Ceremony 15.00: Prof. Dr.Manfred E. Streit:
"Rechtsordnung und Handelnsordnung" 16.00: Reception 17.00: Prof. James
M. Buchanan: "The Sense of Community in Hayekian Moral Order" Prof.
Douglass C. North: "The Relevance of Hayek". The local organizer is
Victor Vanberg ([log in to unmask]). Any person interested is
cordially invited to attend.
A conference in honour of the 100th birthday of Friedrich Hayek will be
held on Saturday, May 8th, 1999 at the Faculty of Economics, University
of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Programme: 10:00 - 10:15 Opening address Prof.
Joe Mencinger, Rector of the University of Ljubljana 10:15 - 11:00
Keynote Speech Prof. Kurt R. Leube, Hoover Institution Stanford
University 11:00 - 12:00 Open discussion 12:00 - 13:00 Lunch break
13:00 - 15:00 Roundtable: Hayek and Liberty Chair: Dr. Ljubo Sirc, CRCE
Introductory speaker: Prof. Andrew Gamble, University of Sheffield
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break 15:30 - 17:30 Roundtable: Hayek vs. Keynes
Chair: Prof. Bogomir Kovac, University of Ljubljana Introductory
speaker: Prof. Jan Winiecki, European University Viadrina Web:
A conference has been organized in Paris, France to mark the occasion of
the 100th anniversary of the birth of F. A. Hayek. Scheduled for May
27-29, 1999, the conference is sponsored by the Association of Historians
of the Austrian Economic Tradition (AHTEA) and is devoted to an
investigation of the relationship between Hayek's economic analysis and
his political economy. Contact Thierry Aimar, Centre d'Histoire de la
Pensee Economique, ([log in to unmask]).
Other events and exhibits to mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of
Friedrich Hayek are planned at The University of Chicago's Committee on
Social Thought, the Dept. of Economics at the London School of Economics,
London's Institute of Economic Affairs, and the Juridical Faculty
Library of the U. of Salzburg, among the organizations & Universities.
Announcements are from the Recent & Noteworthy column of the Friedrich
Hayek Scholars' Page on the web at:
Greg Ransom
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