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Fri Mar 31 17:18:20 2006
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----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Sandra Peart and I gave a paper "'Who are the canters': evangelicals, 
economists & other 'parasites'" at the Eastern a couple weeks back. I can 
send a CD with a PDF of the paper with some high rez images -- 
economists/evangelicals having violence done to them. These are far too big 
do go through email. [The TIFs are 20mg and more ...] 
Many of the images come from the Cope's Tobacco public relations material 
from late 1870s - early 1880s. I'm going to be talking at the U of 
Liverpool gallery next month (May 14 I think) about these images ... 
Liverpool has surely the best collection of Cope's material extant. [And 
Stigler was worried that I didn't go to museums  frequently!] 
My *How the dismal science got its name* discusses some of the connections 
between the utilitarian economists/Christian evangelical members of the 
anti-slavery coalition to which Carlyle (I believe) first called attention 
[dismal science/Exeter Hall]. The public choice of the Gorham controversy 
seems easy enough. I offer a conjecture about the harder problem of the 
vote at the 1930 Lambeth conference authorizing birth control, i.e., the 
CofE became utilitarian. 
Also on the CD is an image of Walt Whitman's pencil markings of Carlyle's 
*Shooting Niagara*. Cope's Tobacco Plant first published a Whitman poem; 
consequently, the Library of Congress has a fine Cope's collection. 
David Levy 
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