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First Seminar in Post Keynesian and Heterodox Economics
9 to 13 August, 2010
(Bogotá, Colombia)
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All the best,
First Seminar in Post Keynesian and Heterodox Economics
Research Group in Macroeconomics and Economic Policy MACRÓPOLIS
9 to 13 August, 2010
Call for papers:
The Research Group in Macroeconomics and Economic Policy, MACRÓPOLIS, is
organizing his First Seminar in Post Keynesian and Heterodox Economics which
will be held at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Universidad Nacional
de Colombia, in Bogota, from August 9th to 13th, 2010.
We would like to invite undergraduate and graduate students, professors and
professionals to present Post-Keynesian and Heterodox papers, both
theoretical and empirical, that are related with the following topics:
• Economic Growth
• Economic Policy
• Consumption Theory
• Monetary Theory
• Microeconomics
• Macroeconomics History
• History of Economic Thought
Submission details
1. Submission of abstracts: from February 16th to May 14th, 2010.
2. Submission of accepted papers: until July 16th, 2010.
3. The papers can be written in English or Spanish.
4. The papers must be presented in Word or PDF formats, and must have the
following characteristics: a maximum extension of 11.000-13.000 words,
including notes and references; simple space between lines; 13 points-sized
Garamond font; letter-sized paper with 3 cm margins.
5. The author’s personal information must be included as a symbol
footnote stating: author’s name, occupation, academic level and,
necessarily, his/her e-mail.
6. No more than two (2) papers allowed per author.
7. The abstracts and accepted papers should be sent to:
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Other details
The event will include the participation of Professor Fernando Carvalho,
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); Professor Malcolm Sawyer,
University of Leeds (England); and Professor Marc Lavoie, University of
Ottawa (Canada). They will give a number of lectures during the days of the
Steering Committee:
Gustavo Adolfo Junca Rodríguez (UNAL) [log in to unmask]
Iván Darío Velásquez Garzón [log in to unmask]
c i e n c i a y t e c n o l o g í a p a r a e l p a í s
Carrera 30 N0. 45 03, FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS ECONÓMICAS Edificio 238 piso,
Piso 1
Conmutador: (57) (1) 316 5000 extensión 12308
Telefax: (57) (1) 316 5000 extensión 12313 Correo electrónico:
[log in to unmask] [log in to unmask] Bogotá, Colombia,
Sur América
Grupo de Investigación en Pensamiento y
Teoría Económica - GIPTE
Research Group in Economic Thought and
Economic Theory - GIPTE