----------------- HES POSTING -----------------
Dear Colleagues,
The Executive Committee of the History of Economics Society has formed
three ad hoc committees to draft proposals for consideration at the
January 2002 Executive Committee meeting. The ad hoc committees and
their charges are given below. Suggestions are welcome, and should be
directed to the committee chairs.
Dan Hammond, HES President
"Committee on History of Economics"
Charge: Develop proposals to enhance the field of history of economics.
Submit proposals to the HES Executive Committee for discussion at their
January 2002 meeting.
Members: Sandra Peart, Craufurd Goodwin, David Levy, Duncan Foley, Bruce
Elmslie, Brad Bateman (chair)
Contact: Brad Bateman, e-mail -- [log in to unmask]
"Committee on HES Meeting"
Charge: Study the structure of the History of Economics Society annual
meeting, and suggest changes that will enhance history of economics and
the HES. Submit report to the Executive Committee for discussion at
their January 2002 meeting.
Members: Kevin Hoover, Dan Hammond, John Davis, Bruce Caldwell (chair)
Contact: Bruce Caldwell, e-mail -- [log in to unmask]
"Committee on HES-ESHET Collaboration"
Charge: Develop proposals for joint activities between the History of
Economics Society and the European Society for the History of Economic
Thought. Submit proposals to HES Executive Committee for discussion
at their January 2002 meeting.
Members: Wade Hands, Steve Medema, John Davis, Annie Cot (chair)
Contact: Annie Cot, e-mail -- [log in to unmask]
------------ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ------------
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