Fellow AAO members:
I need to compile statistics that demonstrate the economic benefits of
establishing an archival program. This could include annual statistics on
the number of researchers, their places of residence and so on. I'm sure
that there must be a program or two out there that compile these statistics
on an annual basis if for no other reason than to keep your own doors open.
I'd like to hear from you.
In general, I am always interested in receiving anything that you think
would be useful in "selling" the value of an archival program. I also love
to receive promotional materials of all kinds too. (Okay, love may be a bit
of a strong word but I sure do like it a lot.) Thanks in advance!
Brian Masschaele
AAO Archives Advisor
395 Wellington Road, P.O. Box 25172
London ON N6C 6A9
Phone: 519-858-0787 Fax: 519-858-0682
E-mail: [log in to unmask] Web: http://www.fis.utoronto.ca/groups/aao
Please join us for the 1999 ACA/AAO Conference here in London, Ontario!