Dear all,
with Fred Lee at UMKC we set up a weekly newsletter listing all the new working papers added to the database RepEc in the field of
"heterodox microeconomics" (loosely meant to include the feminist, institutionalist, marxist-radical, sraffian, and possibly many other
approaches that in some sense depart from the mainstream).
To subscribe, please go to and select NEP-HME.
For further information on how to make your research more visible through RepEc and how to signal us that you wish to be listed in the HME
newletter see the current issue of the Heterodox Newsletter at
Carlo D'Ippoliti
Department of Statistics,
Sapienza University of Rome
Viale Regina Elena 295/E, Palazzina G
00167 Rome, Italy
tel: (39)0649917037
skype: carlodippoliti
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