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aims to bring together scholars in intellectual history from all
countries and all disciplines. ISIH was founded in 1994 by an
international group of scholars, and a steering committee has been formed,
consisting of Constance Blackwell (Foundation for Intellectual History,
London), Donald R. Kelley (Rutgers University, New Brunswick), Ulrich
Johannes Schneider (Universitaet Leipzig), Wilhelm Schmitt-Biggemann (Freie
Universitaet, Berlin), Edoardo Tortarolo (University of Torino), Francoise
Wacquet (CNRS, Paris), and Charles Webster (All Souls College, Oxford), Ann
Blair (Harvard University).
The ISIH proposes to organize conferences and to publish a
newsletter in order to facilitate and to extend contacts among
scholars with interdisciplinary interests. It will welcome other
projects and act in general as a network of communication and
exchange concerning questions arising in and across the history
of various humanistic and scientific disciplines, with respect to
national, cultural, and gender identities. All ISIH members will
receive a newsletter which will appear at least once a year to
rovide information about conferences and activities of the
society's members.
The ISIH will organize a conference at least every four years.
The first conference will be the United States in 1997 ("The Idea
of Tradition"), and the second will take place in Berlin 1998
("The History of Endings"). Future topics may include "The
Republic of Letters" and Intellectual Quarrels."
Among other projects, the ISIH sponsors a "Dictionary of
Intellectual Historians," containing essays on major twentieth-
century scholars who are of contemporary importance, and a series
of reprints of early modern who have contributed to intellectual
Dues for membership and the Newsletter are US $20 (students $10) or
15 pounds sterling (students 8 pounds). Anyone interested in
becoming a member of ISIH should write to one of the following
For Europe, Africa, Australasia the Middle East, and Indian Sub-continent:
Constance Blackwell
Foundation for Intellectual History
28 Gloucester Crescent
NW1 7DL London, U.K.
e-mail (inquiries only): [log in to unmask]
For the Americas and the Far East:
Neil Miller
ISIH at Journal of the History of Ideas
88 College Avenue
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ 08903-5059
NOTE that the e-mail addresses for further inquiries are not the ones from
which this message was sent.
Please copy and distribute this message freely.
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