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Fri Mar 31 17:19:07 2006
[log in to unmask] (Ross B. Emmett)
text/plain (120 lines)
=================== HES POSTING ======================== 
University of Bergamo 
12-14 Dec, 1996 
I am organizing, on behalf of the Department of Economics of the Bergamo 
University and with the co-sponsorship of the European Journal of the 
History of Economic Thought, an International Conference on "German 
Monetary Theory Revisited". 
The title is, of course, borrowed from the well-known book written by 
Howard Ellis. The aim is to debate the contributions made by Austrian and 
German theorists from the late nineteen century and the Second World War to the 
subsequent development of monetary theory: hence, the approach is both 
analytical and historical. 
Here down you find the *preliminary* programme. If there are a few papers 
almost ready falling within the scope of the conference, I would be happy 
to consider them for inclusion in the conference. Especially welcomed would 
be interventions about Karl Hellferrich, Adolph Lowe, Friedrich Lutz, Karl 
Schlesinger, Richard Strigl, Friedrich von Wieser, or any other author not 
already included in the programme. 
                            Department of Economics 
                             University of Bergamo 
                            Bergamo, 12-14 Dec, 1996 
papers to be presented (in alphabetical order): 
Richard Arena (Universite' de Nice, France), title to be defined 
Riccardo Bellofiore (Universita' di Bergaom, Italy), "Mises on Money: Some 
Controversial Issues" 
Lapo Berti (Autorita' Antitrust, Roma, Italy), "From Knapp to Hahn. Notes 
on German Monetary Theory: 1900-1930" 
Marina Colonna (Universita' di Napoli, Italy),"Haberler's Monetary Equilibrium" 
Laurence Duchene (Universite' de Paris X-Nanterre, France), "Menger and the 
Origin of Money: a Benchmark for the Theory of the Medium of Exchange" 
Raimund Dietz (Vienna Institute for comparative economic studies, Austria), 
"Simmel's Contribution to a Theory of Money Economy: A Systems Theoretical 
Christian Gehrke (University of Graz, Austria), "Monetary Analysis in F.A. 
Hayek's The Pure Theory of Capital" 
Augusto Graziani (Universita' di Roma, Italy), "A Note on Hayek's 
Macroeconomic Equilibrium" 
Heiner Ganssmann (Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany), "Money in the 
sociological theories of Simmel and Weber - is there a potential 
contribution to economic theory?" 
Harald Hagemann (University of Hohenheim, Germany),  "Monetary causes of 
the business cycle and technological change: Hicks versus Hayek" 
Hansjoerg Klausinger (Vienna University of Economics and Business 
Administration, Austria), "The Monetary Economics of Wilhelm Roepke: 
Austrian Economist or Proto-Keynesian?" 
Heinz Kurz (University of Graz, Austria), "Hayek's theory of money and 
business cycles and the Mengerian legacy" 
Marcello Messori (Universita di Cassino, U), "Schumpeter's Analysis of the 
Credit Market" 
Peter Rosner (University of Vienna) "Financial Intermediation and Austrian 
Capital Theory: Fritz Machlup's Contribution to the Austrian Business Cycle 
Christof Ruehl (EBRD), "Equilibrium Theory and the Business Cycle - 
Inferences from the Interwar Debate" 
George Selgin (University of Georgia), "Hayek versus Keynes on How the 
Price Level Ought to Behave" 
George W. Stadler (University of Newcastle upon Tyne), "Hyperinflation as a 
disequilibrium phenomenon: A formalization of some ideas in the work of 
Mises and Bortkiewicz" 
Hans-Michael Trautwein (Universitaet Hohenheim), "On 'Dr. Neisser's General 
Attitude to Monetary Problems'" 
Lawrence H. White (University of Georgia), "The Evolution of Hayek's 
Monetary Economics" 
For informations, please contact: 
Riccardo Bellofiore 
Department of Economics 
Bergamo University 
Piazza Rosate 2 
I-24129 Bergamo 
tel: +39 (35) 277505 
fax: +39 (35) 249975 
email: <[log in to unmask]> 
*  Riccardo Bellofiore        *     e-mail: [log in to unmask]  * 
*  Department of Economics    *     Tel:    (39) 35 277505 (direct) * 
*  University of Bergamo      *             (39) 35 277501 (dept.)  * 
*  Piazza Rosate, 2           *             (39) 11 5819619 (home)  * 
*  I-24129 Bergamo            *     Fax:    (39) 35 249975          * 
*  Italy                      *                                     * 
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