Dear Harald,
Thank you for your valuable information. The issue you mentioned
may be:
Dear Professor Antonio Almodovar,
I appreciate your exact answer.
On Sat, 13 Sep 2014 12:56:41 +0900, Komine Atsushi wrote:
> Dear Colleagues:
> Lionel Robbins (Essay, 1935, p. 21 footnote) introduced Adolphe Landry
> (1874-1956), who defined economics as the science of exchange.
> Landry's words seem to be "economic life as the acquisition of goods
> likely
> to be exchanged".
> Does anyone know the source of these sentences?
> I have checked Malinvaud's explanation (New Palgrave, vol. 3, pp.
> 121-122),
> but no source.
> Thank you in advance.
> Atsushi KOMINE
Atsushi Komine, Ph.D
Professor, Ryukoku University
Fushimi-ku, Kyoto, 612-8577, JAPAN
Tel:+81-75-642-1111, Fax:+81-75-643-8510