======================= HES POSTING ====================
Paul McNulty in _The origins and Development of Labor Economics_ (MIT
1980) calls Smith's discussion of wage differentials "one of the best
analysis of that topic ever undertaken" but he does not cite any other
treatment of the topic. McNulty might be the best person to contact.
PAUL A. HEISE, Ph.D. "The ideas of economists and political
Associate Professor philosophers both when they are right
of Economics and when they are wrong, are more powerful
Political Science and than is commonly understood. Indeed the
Economics Dept world is ruled by little else. Practical men,
Lebanon Valley College who believe themselves to be quite exempt
Annville, PA 17003 from any intellectual influences, are
(717) 867-5644 the slave of some defunct economist."
[log in to unmask] John Maynard Keynes
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