====================== HES POSTING ====================
[NOTE: The Hagley Museum and Library is located in Deleware.--RBE]
September 11 Ferdinando Fasce (University of Genoa), "Big
Business and the Public: The Emergence of Corporate
Public Relations in America, 1900-1940"
October 9 Charles Perrow (Yale University), "Wealth and
Power in the Society of Organizations:
The Early Years"
November 6 Mara Keire (Johns Hopkins University), "The
Business of Vice"
December 11 Meg Jacobs (Claremont McKenna College),
"Rethinking the New Deal State: The Rise and
Demise of a 'Consuming Public'"
January 15 Rick Halpern (University College London), "Solving
the 'Labor Problem': Work, Race, and Technological
Change in the Sugar Industries of Louisiana and
South Africa"
February 12 Suzanne Smith (George Mason University), "'Money
(That's What I Want)': Motown Records,
Black Capitalism, and Black Freedom in Detroit"
March 12 Angela Lakwete (University of California-San
Diego), "A Southern Model of Industrialization:
The Ante-bellum Cotton Gin Manufacturing Industry"
April 16 Victor Garcia (Indiana University of
Pennsylvania), "Transnational Labor and the
Mushroom Industry: The Emergence and Growth of
Mexican Enclaves in Southern Chester County,
May 14 Michael Lobel (Yale University), "Image Duplicator:
Art and Technology in the Work of Roy Lichtenstein"
All sessions will take place in the Copeland Room of Hagley's Library
building. We assemble at 6 PM for refreshments and casual conversation,
and begin the formal seminar at 6:30.
The papers are circulated in advance. To get on the mailing list for the
seminar and the papers, contact Hagley's Center for the History of
Business, Technology, and Society at the address below, or email
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Carol Lockman
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