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"Matt Szybalski Notice of Confidentiality:" <[log in to unmask]>
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Thu, 11 May 2006 13:51:40 -0400
The Scotiabank Group Archives invites you to attend:

Democratic Republic of the Congo: Forgotten War
Part of the Contact  Photography Festival of Toronto, this is an exhibiton
of photographs by world-renowned VII Photo Agency photographers - Ron
Haviv, James Nachtwey, Gary Knight, Anton Kratochvil, Joachim Ladefoged -
who travelled with Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders to the
Democratic Republic of the Congo in order to shed light on the suffering of
the Congolese people as they struggle to survive a war that remains
virtually invisible to the outside world.

(See attached file: contact_22x28 copy.jpg)

Over a decade of war and the collapse of the public health system have
resulted in widespread and acute misery for people throughout the
Democratic Republic of Congo. Many Congolese face extreme deprivation and
violence, with brutal militia attacks and sexual violence is common. Severe
malnutrition and epidemics of diseases like malaria, HIV/AIDS, and cholera
take an even greater toll as few people have access to health facilities
let alone treatment. The complex and diverse nature of the violence and
neglect challenges any notion of simple, blanket solutions to address even
the immediate causes of so much death and suffering.

This conflict received 6 minutes of media attention in all of 2005. There
are some celebrities who receive more than that daily for much more trivial

Democratic Republic of Congo: The Forgotten War  exhibition is traveling
internationally throughout Europe, Japan, China, and the United States. The
exhibition will be shown in Canada only at Scotia Plaza, Toronto, through
Scotiabank Group’s sponsorship.

Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has been working in
the Democratic Republic of Congo since 1981. Today 223 international staff
and 2,133 national staff work at medical and surgical projects in Kinshasa,
Equateur, Eastern, North and South Kivu, and Katanga Provinces.

CONTACT is an annual month long festival of photography featuring the work
of over 550 local, national and international artists at 187 venues across
the Greater Toronto Area. As the largest photography festival in North
America, CONTACT has become a premiere cultural event for the city,
stimulating excitement, discussion and innovation among a diverse audience
by presenting a broad range of programs and events, including an
international lecture series, high-profile public installations, a film
series in partnership with the National Film Board (NFB) and an education
program that includes seminars, workshops and portfolio reviews.

CONTACT believes photography is an enriching and important art form that is
pervasive in our daily lives. As such, they are focused on cultivating
their current local attendee base, and expanding their national and
international audience in an effort to further stimulate interest and
participation in photography as an art form and profession. On the 10th
anniversary of CONTACT Toronto Photography Festival, they present "Imaging
a Global Culture" as the theme for 2006.

On view in the Banking Hall of our Main Branch in Toronto (44 King Street
West) from May 9 to 31, 2006 - Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm, the
Archives was instrumental in bringing this portion of the Contact  Festival
to Scotiabank.

This event is free, open to the public, and wheelchair accessible.

Scotiabank's spnsorship of Contact and Democratic Republic of Congo: The
Forgotten War  is part our Corporate Culture which places great importance
on support of the Arts.

Arts and cultural events help build stronger ties within our communities by
bringing us together to enjoy unique celebrations, discover art in all of
its forms, and learn through many national, regional and local institutions
that deliver enriching public programs.

By funding new facilities, arts-related education and training, and
sponsorships of colourful local festivals, Scotiabank helps many Canadians
enjoy and appreciate the cultural diversity around us.

Our donations aim to create greater opportunities for local community
participation in arts activities and funding to support the development of
individual artists.

Some recent highlights of Scotiabank’s support for arts and culture:

   Scotiabank stepped forward to help promote great Canadian literature by
   co-sponsoring the Scotiabank Giller Prize.  The largest annual prize for
   fiction in the country, the Giller Prize celebrates the literary
   accomplishments of Canadian writers and helps raise awareness among
   Canadian bookbuyers.  With Scotiabank’s support, the award has doubled
   in value to $50,000, with $40,000 going to the winner and $2,500 to each
   of the four finalists.

   Scotiabank is encouraging artists to express their unique talents
   through our donation and partnership with the Sobey Art Foundation and
   the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia.  As sole presenting sponsor of the Sobey
   Art Award national touring exhibition, audiences across Canada are able
   to experience first-hand the works of the finalists in the Sobey Art

   Scotiabank’s Fine Art Collection policy serves to position Scotiabank as
   a leader in corporate social responsibility.  Scotiabank purchases the
   works of established living Canadian artists in order to put money into
   the hands of those who are currently creating art.

   Scotiabank supports the internationally renowned National Ballet School
   by contributing to their scholarship program, which enables 10 talented
   students to attend the school.

   Scotiabank is the title sponsor of the Canadian Aboriginal Music Awards,
   held in Toronto.  The awards were created to celebrate the huge
   diversity of Aboriginal music, ranging from traditional pow wow to hip
   hop and rock.  They also give Aboriginal youth the motivation and
   inspiration to believe they can achieve whatever they are passionate
   about in life.

   Scotiabank recently announced a sponsorship of Scotiabank Nuit Blanche,
   a free, city-wide, all-night event to celebrate contemporary art.  From
   sunset on Saturday, September 30 to sunrise on Sunday, October 1, 2006
   the public will be invited to rediscover Toronto through public art
   commissions, all night exhibitions, performances, installations and
   unique programs.

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