Invites you to a film night at the City of Toronto Archives,
255 Spadina Road
On: Wed. April 23
At: 5:30 p.m.
Featured Films:
"Opera School: How a young singer spends three years at the Royal
Conservatory of Music, Toronto, preparing for an operatic career."
* Canadian Opera Company, 1951, 36 min
"Royal Visit to Etobicoke"
* City of Toronto Archives, [1957?], 14 min
A selection of Eaton's Fashion Films
* Eaton's/Archives of Ontario, 1950s, 15 min
CFPL London: July 12, 1954 Newscast
* CFPL/ Archives of Ontario, 12 min
A selection of television commercials from the 1950s and 1960s
* Toronto International Film Festival Archives, 10 min
"Design for Tomorrow" (a film created for the Ontario Department of
Economics and Development on excellence in fashion and furniture design in
Ontario, hosted by Adrienne Clarkson)
* Archives of Ontario, 1967, 15 min
Lovely sandwiches, popcorn and soft drinks provided to our guests courtesy
of taag
QUESTIONS? CONTACT Michele Dale, TAAG President at 416-327-1529 or at
[log in to unmask] No need to RSVP - just show up!
<<Film Night Flyer.doc>>
Michele Dale
(A) Senior Archivist
Education Portfolio
Archives of ONtario
77 Grenville Street
TOronto, ON M5S 1B3
(416) 327-1529 -Tel
(416) 327-1999 - Fax